Chapter 14

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I pull the laundry basket closer to my hip as I make my way down the hallway. It's been two days since the incident at the bar, and I've been mostly hiding in my room, nursing a hangover, and grappling with the embarrassment of having Marx undress me while I was drunk.

I'd like to say it's the hangover that's kept me hidden away, but it's more the mortification and the way Marx's gaze seemed to linger on me that night. And what I did once he left my room.

Most of the guys are working or sleeping today, so I feel like it's safe to venture out of my room. It's my turn to do my laundry. I've finally been added to the chore chart and it makes me kind of giddy.

I reach the laundry room and my steps falter as I see a note taped to the washer. I set the basket down and pluck the note from the machine. Cruz's handwriting sprawls across the page:

"Washer's broken. Sorry for the inconvenience. Probably won't be able to fix it until the weekend when I have a day off. - Cruz"

I sigh, frustration bubbling up. Of course, it's broken. Just when I've worked up the courage to leave my room and feel like a normal person again, this happens. My eyes scan the room, taking in the piles of laundry that are already starting to accumulate.

I'm not a handy person, not like Cruz, but maybe I can find a temporary solution until he can fix it. I glance at my phone on the counter, considering whether to call Cruz for advice, but I decide against it. He's probably at work, and I don't want to bother him.

I turn to the washer, examining it for any obvious signs of damage. I've never fixed anything in my life, but I've watched my dad tinker with appliances enough times to have a basic idea of what to look for.

I pull the washer away from the wall, grimacing at the effort. I unplug it and start to inspect the hoses and connections, searching for anything obviously amiss. My fingers probe and prod, but everything seems to be in place.

What are you doing, Emersyn? Cruz should be handling this. You'll probably make it worse, I berate myself.

Feeling more frustrated and lost, I realize that maybe this is a task best left to Cruz. I've never felt so inept. Resigned to failure, I push the washer back into place and plug it back in.

My phone suddenly rings, slicing through my frustration, and I grab it from the counter, relieved for the distraction. Seeing Valarie's name on the screen, my heart leaps, and I swipe to answer.

"Hey, Val!" I gush, unable to hide the excitement in my voice.

"Emmie!" she trills back. "Guess what? I have the whole day off! Want to hang out?"

I feel a burst of joy at her words. I've missed my best friend so much, and the timing couldn't be more perfect.

"Yes! Oh my God, yes!" I exclaim. "Where should we meet? I'm in desperate need of some girl time."

Valarie laughs, her happiness infectious. "How about that cute little café downtown? The one with the really good bagels. We can have brunch, shop around, and just catch up."

"That sounds perfect," I agree, my mind already racing with the possibilities.

"We can meet in an hour?" she suggests.

"An hour it is!" I confirm, already feeling lighter. "See you soon!"

We exchange quick goodbyes, and I hang up, my frustration over the broken washer forgotten. I rush back to my room, excitement bubbling through me.

I pick out a casual but cute outfit, something perfect for a day out with my best friend. I glance at myself in the mirror, liking what I see.

I look good. I'm moving on. I'm more than what Lyle made me feel, I reassure myself, trying to shove the pain of his betrayal aside.

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