Chapter 32

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My tears slowly subside, leaving a lingering ache in my chest. Fowler pulls back, his eyes filled with a tender concern that warms my heart. "Give me your phone," he says, his voice steady and reassuring.

I blink at him, confusion reflected in my eyes. But there's a determined look on his face, a silent promise that he's here to help me shoulder the burden. I hand over my phone, still unsure of what he's planning to do.

He dials quickly, his fingers moving with a certainty that I currently lack.

The phone rings, breaking the silence that has settled between us. After a moment, I hear the familiar voice of Valarie. Even though I can't make out her words, just hearing the sound of her voice brings a small comfort to my chaotic world.

"Hey, Valarie, it's Fowler," he starts, his voice carrying a warmth that I know Valarie would respond to. There's a brief pause as Valarie replies, her words inaudible to me.

"Yeah, I'm one of Emersyn's roommates. I'm here with her now," he continues, his voice holding a note of urgency. Another pause, longer this time, as Valarie responds.

He listens intently before responding. "Are you working?" he asks, the question hanging in the air as he waits for her reply. 

Fowler nods, his face breaking into a small smile as he hears her response. "She could really use her best friend right now," he says, his voice tinged with a hopeful note that lifts my spirits, if only slightly.

I can feel my heartbeat in my throat, a rhythmic reminder of the roller coaster of emotions I'm currently navigating. Fowler pauses, allowing Valarie to respond, her words still a mystery to me.

After a moment, his smile widens. "Great, see you then," he says.

He ends the call, his eyes meeting mine. "Valarie's on her way over," he tells me.

I nod, a lump forming in my throat at the prospect of facing Valarie with my messy, complicated feelings. I don't know why I feel so nervous. I tell Valarie everything. Or at least I used to. I haven't exactly told her much about what's going on here, with the guys.

"We're going to have a movie night, just the three of us," Fowler says, his words wrapping around me.

I'm a fragile mess as Fowler holds my gaze, his eyes a sea of understanding in which I find myself drowning. I feel exposed, my soul laid bare under his scrutinizing yet gentle gaze. 

I know he isn't judging me. I am judging myself enough for both of us. I want to be mad at Marx, but I can't bring myself to do it. I'm mad at myself for feeling so strongly about this situation. I could have stopped Marx if I had wanted. But I didn't want to. I wanted more, and that's what I'm upset about. That, and the fact that he left so suddenly. He left me confused.

As Fowler moves to rise, his hand finds mine, a warm, grounding presence. I cling to it, a lifeline in the storm that rages within me.

There's a knock at the door. Fowler moves to open it, revealing Valarie. Her eyes, always so full of life, scan my face, taking in the raw vulnerability that I can no longer hide.

"Em," she breathes, crossing the distance between us in a heartbeat. Her arms envelop me, a familiar refuge where I allow myself to just be.

She pulls back slightly, her hands framing my face, forcing me to meet her gaze. "Talk to me, love. Tell me what's going on," she pleads, her voice tinged with a desperation that mirrors my own.

I open my mouth, but the words catch in my throat.

I take a deep breath, a shaky attempt to steady myself. I feel Valarie's gentle touch on my face, a touch that used to bring so much joy, now bringing a sting of tears to my eyes.

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