Chapter 36 🌶️

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Later, we gather around a small fire that the guys managed to start. The sky turns a beautiful hue of orange and pink. The air fills with the sounds of the crackle of the fire, the gentle lull of the waves, and the soft whispers of conversations.

I sit down next to Valarie, my eyes drifting to the fire, the flames dancing in a mesmerizing rhythm. Valarie nudges me softly, her voice teasing. "Look at you, Em, enjoying the attention from the boys," she giggles, her green eyes twinkling with mischief. "I told you that bikini looked amazing on you."

I roll my eyes playfully, a smile tugging at my lips. "Oh, stop it," I reply, a blush creeping up my cheeks.

At that moment, Locke joins us, his energy almost palpable in the dimming light. He hands us sticks with marshmallows to roast, his smile wide and infectious. "Here you go, ladies," he says, his voice buoyant. "Let's get this marshmallow party started!"

"Thank you," I say, accepting the stick from him. The warmth from the fire feels comforting against the cool evening breeze.

We all gather closer, the fire casting a soft glow on our faces, creating a cozy circle of light in the encroaching darkness. Cruz starts strumming a guitar, the sweet melody mingling with the crackle of the fire and the gentle whispers of the sea.

As I roast my marshmallow, Marx sits down beside me, a safe distance away yet close enough to feel his presence, his warmth. I glance at him, his profile illuminated by the flickering flames. He seems deep in thought, his eyes fixed on the fire.

As we continue chatting, sharing little plans and dreams, I can't shake off the feeling of Marx's eyes on me. Every so often, I catch him stealing glances, his expression a mix of something deep and intense.

At one point, as the sky darkens further, painting the horizon with stars, Marx finally speaks, his voice low and thoughtful. "The stars are beautiful tonight, aren't they?" he says, his eyes now fixed on the sky.

I follow his gaze, the night sky sprawling above us, sprinkled with countless twinkling stars. "Yes, they are," I agree, my voice soft, almost whispery.

I feel a kind of calmness spread through me as I stare at the stars. It feels like the whole world has quieted down, and it's just the stars, the sea, and us.

Valarie nudges me gently, her voice a soft whisper in the night. "You know, they say if you make a wish on a star, it might just come true."

I smile, the idea sweet and comforting. "Oh, really? And what would you wish for?" I ask her, genuinely curious.

She thinks for a moment, her gaze fixed on a particularly bright star. "I guess, happiness, for all of us," she says, her voice filled with a simple, sincere hope.

I nod, feeling a warm affection for her. "That sounds perfect, Val," I say, my own gaze drifting back to the stars.

"What about you?" She asks.

I pause for a moment, contemplating my answer. "I guess, the same as you. Happiness for each of us sitting here. The happiness I'm feeling right now, forever."

As the fire dwindles, the time comes for us to pack up and head home. We slowly rise, brushing off the sand and gathering our belongings. The night feels magical, the stars witnessing the simple joys and budding connections of our group.

As we walk towards the van, I feel Marx fall in step beside me. The night air is cool, but his presence brings a kind of warmth, a pleasant contrast.

He clears his throat, his voice breaking the comfortable silence between us.

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