A Game for Stampy

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Sqaishey's POV

I had built it, I had recorded it, and now I was uploading it. A little game I had made for Stampy, and I was quite proud of it. It was basically my first video on YouTube, but my 9 subscribers and me, we knew what was coming. Hate. Maybe even hate from my subscribers. And then the message popped up:

Your video has successfully been uploaded to YouTube!

Cool, I guess. It was cool, and that was that. I logged off of YouTube and checked the time. It was 12:30 am! I needed to go to sleep! I turned my computer off and crawled into my bed, and fell asleep that night with dreams running wild through my head. What if Stampy saw the video? What if he played the game? But, no. He wouldn't play it. He was a very busy person, YouTube and the rest of his life. Whatever. I made it for fun, not for attention.

The next morning, I turned my computer on. I was expecting to find hate from all of the haters, but I found the exact opposite of that. I scrolled through the comments, and then I found the best thing that had ever happened to me. Stampy had left a comment on my video. He had watched my video. And had left a comment on it.

This map looks great. I probably shouldn't have watched it all in case I end up doing it. Luckily you didn't show everything. The map was great but your commenatry was fantastic. I am going to check out more of your videos. :)

I screamed. I started to scream and laugh and smile, and I was so shocked. Stampy had left a comment on my video, saying that he liked it. He liked my commentary, and he was going to watch some more of my videos. No way.

Stampy's POV

Wow, for a starter YouTuber, this girl was good. Sqaishey, I think her name was. Her commentary was great! I left a comment saying so, and then watched some more of her videos. She knew had to commentate, really. It made me smile to listen to her, and I wanted to do videos with her. I really did. I sent her a message through YouTube:

Do you wanna meet up some time? You make great videos, and I was wondering if maybe we could do a series together. Maybe it would be fun! Anyways, email me back if you get the chance. :)

I hit the send button, and then started to edit a Lovely World video. I didn't need to edit it much, just a couple snips here and there, and then it was on it's way to YouTube. My computer dinged, and I realized I had a message back from Sqaishey.

That would be awesome! Sometime next week? I mean, I kind of need to know where to meet you (STALKER) so what would be good for you? Oh, and my phone number is ########### so you can reach me easier. We could Skype, if you have one, anyways. Bye! :D

I was happy, I got to meet her. I sent her my phone number and my Skype name, and before I knew it, there was a little Sqaishey on my screen.

"Hi!" she said when I answered. I stared at my screen in shock. She was so.. stunning. Beautiful, if I may say.

"Um, hi," I said very shyly. She looked confused.

"Where's the Stampy we all know and love? You sound like you were just thrown into a pond or something. Or do cats like water?" she joked. I laughed, and then we laughed together. When I stopped laughing, I was smiling.

"I live in the northern part of London, if you want to come up here," I said. "Or I could come to you." She smiled.

"Next week?" she asked me. I replied with a nod, and then she squealed with joy. "I better start packing, then!" And then we talked for ages, about videos and other life stuff. And then I realized it was 2 in the morning, and Sqaishey did too.

"Oh, I better go. Squid'll kill me if I wake him up," I said jokingly. She smiled and nodded, and then we both hung up.

Sqaishey's POV

I just Skyped Stampy! It was awesome, and I was going to get to meet him in person next week. Since I was only 17, I would have to ask my mom to go, but she wouldn't mind. I would say I was worried about my dad, but he passed away years ago. He was quite a man, I will say. And not in a good way, either. He abused me and my mom, and came home drunk every night. He died of alcohol poisoning, surprise surprise. But I got to meet Stampy! And I was so excited. I ran downstairs to ask my mom.

"Mom, can I go to London to see Stampy?" I asked her. She stared at me with disbelief, and then finally replied.

"Sure, hon. Of course you can," she said in her sweet motherly voice. "When, exactly is this going to happen?" I smiled.

"Next week, probably on Tuesday," I said. It just seemed like Tuesday was a good day, and it gave me plenty of time to pack and stuff.

"Well, then," she said. "How much is it going to cost?" she asked as she pulled our her wallet. I smiled and giggled.

"I'll pay, mum," I said. She smiled and put her wallet back in her purse. She stood up and hugged me, and then she pulled away.

"Don't grow up to fast, hon," she said. "Please." I smiled and hugged her, and then I pulled away and skipped back upstairs to my room. I was going to meet Stampy, and it was going to be awesome. I started to plan the trip, getting a seat on a train, telling Stampy the details. It was going to be awesome!!!

Hey, y'all. Hope you guys are enjoying my first story! If you're reading it, anyways. My chapters are going to be short, usually, but I will usually put more than one chapter out every time I do update. Just to separate the plot a little bit! Anyways, peace! :3

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