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Stampy's POV

I sit on my bed and run my fingers through my hair.

I couldn't let her leave like this.

I run out of my room and down the hall.

"Sqaishey, wait," I say as I see her stepping out the door. She looks at me with tears in her eyes. "I need to tell you..." I stop saying what I was saying. "Just... Nevermind. Bye," I mumble as she nods and walks out of my apartment. I walk back into my room as she shuts the door, and think one thing:

I couldn't even tell her I love her.

Sqaishey's POV

I couldn't even tell him I love him.

That's the one thing I'm thinking as I slowly walk to the train station.

I wasn't going to be able to get through without him. Maybe if I hadn't ever met him, yeah. But now I know what it feels like to really love somebody.

And I blew it.

Tears sting at my eyes as I buy a train ticket out of London.

Away from Stampy.

I sigh as I pull my phone out and call my mum. When she answers, I tell her how I messed everything up. How I had to come home because I had messed it up so bad.

"He hates me, mum," I say into the phone. "He hates me." I hear a sigh.

"Beth, he doesn't hate you," she says. "He's probably thinking the same thoughts as you." I close my eyes and fight back tears. "I'll see you when you get home, hon. Love you." I hear a beep, signaling she had hung up.

I sit on the small bench and wait for my train to be called. It was all I could do. And then I hear something.

"Sqaishey!" I hear someone yell. I ignore it. It's probably just a fan. "Sqaishey, please wait!" I hear the same person yell. I ignore it again.

"Last call for train number 263," echoes through the intercom.

I stand up and walk to where my train is departing and step on to the loading station. I shuffle on with the rest of the people, and then I hear it again.

"Sqaishey! Wait!" I hear for the third time. I sigh and once again ignore it.

I find a seat on the train, and I sit down. The captain says something over the intercom, which I ignore, and then the train start to move. We slowly pull out of the train station, when I see Stampy staring at me from the boarding station with tears in his eyes.

Stampy was the one yelling for me.

Stampy's POV

I watch as her train pulls out of the station.

She looks up from whatever she was doing, and she sees me.

And then I can't see her any more.

I fall to my knees in defeat, trying not to burst into tears. I needed her. Without her, I am nothing. I run my fingers through my hair.

I wasn't ever going to see her again.

I feel a hand on my shoulder, and I look up to see Squid.

"Mate, come on," he says. "I have some explaining to do." I stand up and follow him, too sad to be angry. He leads me to his car and we drive back to the apartment.


"Mate, I kissed her because I'm an idiot," Squid says to me. "She's not to blame." I sigh and shake my head.

"She kissed you back," I reply. He nods his head.

"Yes, she did. But if she randomly came up to you and started kissing you, would you kiss her back?" he asks me.

"Yeah," I mumble. "But how does that change anything?" He shakes his head.

"Just don't be mad at her, be mad at me," he says. I sigh.

"I'm not mad at either of you!" I say. "I just need Sqaishey back." He nods.

"That's probably going to take a while," Squid says. "Because if Sqaishey told her mum that she cheated on you, her mum probably won't let her come back here." I nod. It does make sense.

"Then maybe... Maybe I'll have to go to her," I say.

"Maybe," Squid says. I smile. The hope that I didn't have before was now inside of me again.

I was going to get Sqaishey back.



Short chapter.

Sorry not sorry.

Oh, and I get my schedule today 😄

For school..

But that's still cool, right?

Because I start school next week 😥

Bye bye summer.😰

May you rest in peace.😭

... 😂😂😂

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