I Promised You

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Stampy's POV (all in Stampy's POV)

I crawled out of bed, and put my feet on the floor. I rubbed my face, and then stood up and stretched. I walked out into the hallway, and opened the door to Sqaishey's room. Sqaishey wasn't in the bed. I pushed any stupid thoughts from my head, and then walked into the kitchen. No Sqaishey in the kitchen, either. I peeked into the living room. No Sqaishey. I walked back down the hall and knocked on the bathroom door. No reply, from Squid or Sqaishey. I ran back into Sqaishey's room, and noticed something I hadn't before. The window was open. I ran to the window, and noticed the lock had been broken from the outside. I started to panic.
"Sqaishey!" I yelled. No reply. "Sqaishey!" I yelled again. Still no reply. I pulled my phone out and dialed her number, and to my surprise, there was an answer.
"Hello?" someone said very faintly. It sounded like Sqaishey.
"Sqaishey! Where are you?" I said. I heard a laugh, like the phone was on speaker. And then I put everything together. The window was forced open, Sqaishey was gone, and Aiden... Aiden had her. "No," I said into the phone. "Let her go." I heard another laugh, and then I heard screaming, and then the phone went dead. I closed my eyes. "I promised, Sqaishey. I'm going to keep you safe," I whispered as if someone could hear me. I put my phone down, and then I prepared to go and keep my promise.


Hey, short chapter, but I needed to get this one out. The suspense!!! Duh duh duhhhhhh!!!

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