I Didn't Know...

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Stampy's POV

I woke up the next morning with Sqaishey wrapped in my arms. I started to shift in the bed, and I accidentally woke her up.

"Good morning," she said while she stretched. "Sorry about what happened last night. I don't usually have nightmares, I just had this weird thought and, well, yeah." I nodded.

"It's fine," I said. "I'd honestly rather be in here with you then in my dark dungeon-like room," I joked. She giggled, and then kissed me on the cheek. I checked the time on the clock, and saw that it was already half-past 11. I rolled out of bed, and put my feet on the floor. I ran into the kitchen and found Squid making some tea.

"Eh, mate," he said as I walked in. "I heard her screaming last night, and I grabbed my gun, but then I heard you in there so I went back to sleep," he joked. "But I saw that you and her were in there this morning, so I left you to it." I smiled and took a cup of tea to Sqaishey. She was sitting on her bed staring at her phone, and she looked terrified.

"Sqaishey?" I asked her. She automatically jumped off of the bed and backed up against the wall. Then she saw me, and relaxed. "Whoa, you gotta tell me what's wrong," I said. She sighed and sat back down on the bed. I handed her the tea and sat down next to her. "Just tell me." She closed her eyes.

"Aiden is this guy that I used to know. During class one day, he asked me out, and I said yes. He was super happy, then," she said. I nodded, trying to figure out what was bad about Aiden so far. "And he was nice to me. He bought me flowers and jewelry, he complimented me, took me out on dates, and then he realized he could over-power me," she said with a sigh. "And he turned, Stampy. He started to tell me things about myself that put me down. And then he abused me," she stopped and tried to continue but she couldn't. She started to sob into my chest, and I held her. This Aiden guy was really two-faced, and I didn't like it. Not at all.

Sqaishey's POV

I sobbed into his shirt, and I felt like an idiot. I was crying to a guy about another guy that he didn't even know, and it was dumb. Pure idiotic Sqaishey, right here. Stampy tried to comfort me, but I was so hysterical I don't think anything could of helped me. He held me until I calmed down, and then he looked at me.
"I had no idea," he whispered. I nodded, and he kissed me on the forehead. I smiled, wiped my tears away, and took my phone off of the side table. I turned it back on and looked at the text from Aiden. I deleted it, and then Stampy wanted to know what it was.
"A text from Aiden," I said. He nodded. "Kinda scary, considering I haven't talked to him for 2 years." Stampy looked shocked, like he couldn't process that I had an abusive boyfriend. But I didn't anymore, and that was the main thing. I hugged him, and he hugged me back. I stood up and walked into the living room, and found Squid drinking some tea.
"You alright?" He asked me as I walked in. I avoided eye contact with him, I didn't want him to see that I had been crying. "Sqaishey?" Squid said again. I turned my head so I was looking at him, and he realized that I had been crying.
"I'm fine," I said. He shook his head, and then stood up and walked over to me.
"I don't think you are," he said. I closed my eyes and told him everything. When I was done, he nodded. He patted me on the shoulder, and then he walked away. Stampy walked in, and I went and sat down on the couch. He joined me, and then put his arm around my shoulders.
"You're safe here," he said. I smiled and nodded, and he smiled back at me. I put my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. "Really, Sqaishey. And if you're not, I'll make sure you are." I closed my eyes even tighter, trying to not start sobbing again. And then I started to think about my dad, and how Stampy was better than him. Which, was so messed up. Your dad is supposed to be there for you always, but my dad wasn't. He was the exact opposite. He never, ever, stood up for me. I couldn't understand why my mum had married him. Maybe he was like Aiden, maybe he used to be sweet, but he turned bad. Maybe something happened to make him like that, but still. Why take it out on your own daughter? Your own wife? I just couldn't understand it.

Stampy's POV

I wrapped my arm around Sqaishey's shoulders and told her that she was safe here. And I really meant it. If she wasn't safe, I would make sure she was, even if that meant moving to America. Or anywhere else, for that matter. I squeezed her shoulders and thought about everything. Me and her, Aiden, Squid, my YouTube channel. Everything was linked in some way, whether it be because of YouTube, or a relationship that started because of it. I kissed her on the forehead and stood up. She leaned against the small pillow at the end of the couch and looked at her phone. I walked down the hall into my office, and sat down at my desk. I turned my computer on, and saw that I had an email. I clicked on it, and read it. I had been invited to go to Disney Land for 3 days, and I was allowed to bring 1 guest. I didn't even have to think for a second. Sqaishey. I could take Sqaishey to Disney Land with me, and then we could VLOG it. And I could make her happy. I ran back into the living room.
"Sqaishey, want to go to Disney Land with me?" I asked when I got into the living room. She stared at me for a second.
"Disney Land? How did you just randomly get tickets to Disney Land?" she asked me. I laughed.
"YouTube," I replied. She laughed, and then stood up.
"I would love to go," she said. She kissed me on the cheek, and I kissed her back. She was smiling when I looked at her, and it was a very happy grin.
"Why so happy?" I joked with her. She rolled her eyes, and then replied.
"For one, I get to go to Disney Land and I've never been," she said. I nodded. "And I get to go with the famous Stampy Cat, who just happens to be my boyfriend," she said. I smiled, and then she leaned in and kissed me again. I kissed her back, and when we pulled away, we were both smiling. I think I had just made her happy again, and that made me happy.

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