Squid Nugget

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Stampy's POV

I walk out of the hospital. I couldn't let Sqaishey see me cry. I could barely handle any of this myself. I push the large, glass doors open and walk out to my car. I put my hand on the handle, and then stop. Squid was actually dead. My best friend... Dead. I pull on the handle and the door opens. I swing my body into the small, red car and shut the door. I put my head on the steering wheel. I couldn't take all of this. I needed to... Escape. Not leave, I just needed to be reminded that this was real. My life was real. I pulled the small backpack out of the backseat an pulled the 2 small objects out. They were shiny metal, I hadn't used them in forever. My blades. I put the sharpest one in my hand and pulled my sleeve up. All of my faded scars showed, and I rubbed my finger over one. I put the blade just under my elbow, and stopped when my phone started to ring. I looked over at it an saw that it was an unknown number. For whatever reason, I put the blade down and answer it.
"Hello?" I say as I put the phone to my ear. I hear heavy breathing from the other side, like someone had just ran a marathon.
"Mate... It's Squid," he says. I gasp. "I need... You to come and get me... He.... He's coming..." The phone cut off. No way. Squid was dead. He got shot in the stomach, he bled out... Unless... I pushed all thoughts from my head. Where would he have been? I realized that he must of called from a public phone, and the only one any where near here was at a small restaurant by our apartment. I pull my keys out of my pocket an start my car up. I push the gas petal down, and drive out of the hospital parking lot and to the restaurant where he had to be.


"Squid!" I yelled as I pulled myself out of my car. "Squid! Where are you?" I yelled even louder. No response. Was it possible he wasn't here? I ran up on the sidewalk, and saw the public phone I thought he had called me from. And then I noticed that the phone wasn't connected to the box itself. Did he...
"Mate!" I heard someone yell. It had to be Squid. I continued to run down the sidewalk, until I came to the large alleyway next to the restaurant. There, I saw someone on top of someone who I then realized was Squid. He was really alive. I ran towards the man who was on top of Squid, and then I threw myself on top of him. I yanked him off of Squid, and then I pinned him down on to the concrete. I over at Squid, who is breathing heavily with his hands around his neck. He tried to bloody strangle him! I pushed my foot down on his ankle and he gritted his teeth.
"Get the f#%k off of me!" he screamed into my face. He started to fight back, and I dug my other foot into his ankle. He stopped fighting back, and just let me hold him down.
"Mate," Squid choked out. "Give me your phone." I did as told and pulled my phone out of my pocket, which Squid then took out of my hand and dialed 999.

Sqaishey's POV

I sat on my bed, alone. Stampy had left me here without saying a word. And there was only one thing going through my mind: Squid. He was dead, and he wasn't going to come back alive. He was gone forever, and it was my fault. I let another tear slip down my cheek. There was no reason in trying not to cry. I looked down at my arm and sighed. All of my bruises from Aiden had faded, and all the cuts had turned into scars. I looked over at my phone, and if as on cue, it rang. Stampy had brought it earlier so I would have something to do. I reached over and pulled it off the table, and saw that that Stampy was calling. I considered not answering it, but on the end I decided it would be best.
"Hello?" I said as I put the phone to my ear.
"Sqaishey!" Stampy practically yelled into the phone. "I'm coming back to the hospital to get you," he said. "And... Squid is with me." My eyes widened at the thought of Squid being alive. He couldn't be alive! He was dead!
"What do you mean?" I said quickly, trying to figure out what kind of suck joke this was.
"Squid is alive," he said, more calmly this time.
"Sqaishey, I'm here," I heard a voice all to familiar say. Only one person had that voice, and it was Squid. He was alive. Squid was actually alive.

Hey! I'm back, and please ignore my last "chapter" thing. (Will be deleted after this is published.) I will be continuing this book, and let me apologize for the shorter chapter. I wrote this on my IPhone, and it took me, like, 2 hours. Anyways, thanks for reading! BAI BAI!

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