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Sqaishey's POV

I was so excited! I got to go with Stampy to Disney! We still had like 6 months until we actually went, but I was still super excited. My phone buzzed, and I saw that I had a text. I opened it, and once again, it was another text from Aiden. I sighed, and then deleted it without reading it. I didn't need his negativity right now. I was too happy. And then my phone buzzed again. I had another text from him. I decided to read this one. It read:

Hey, Beth. We need to talk, especially since you keep deleting my messages. I'll come to you, ok? Yep. It better be ok. Anyways, see you later.

What? For one, how did he know I was deleting his messages, and two- All thoughts were cut off when there was a sharp knock at the door.
"I'll get it!" Squid yelled. I ran up to him and stopped him. I shook my head, and looked him straight in the eyes.
"When I say, I need you to call the cops, okay?" I asked him. He looked confused, but he understood. I was almost 100% sure it was Aiden. And that scared me even more. I had to confront him, and I was going to. He knocked on the door again, and I put my hand on the door knob. I closed my eyes, took a sharp breath in, and opened the door.
"Well, what a pleasant surprise!" I said. He rolled his eyes. "Squid, come meet Aiden," I said. Squid reluctantly came to the doors and shook hands with him.
"Squid? What kind of name is that?" Aiden said. I could feel the anger radiating from Squid, and then he sighed.
"It's a nickname," he said. "My real name is David." Squid forced a smile, and then walked back into the house.
"Well, what do you need?" I asked him. He smiled at me, and then grabbed me by my arm and shut the door. He led me outside to his car, and then let go of me.
"I want you back," he said. I rubbed my arm where he had grabbed it, and then I shook my head.
"No can do," I said. His face went hard, and he looked like he could kill somebody just by touching them. "You know what you did to me, Aiden, and I'm not going to go through that again." His face softened, like he was going to try to convince me of something.
"But, Beth. I've changed," he said. I shook my head and looked at my feet.

Stampy's POV

"She's out there with Aiden?!" I yelled at Squid. He nodded, and I ran outside to see Sqaishey standing next to Aiden. "Sqaishey!" I yelled when I was outside. Aiden saw me, and his face automatically turned into a snarl.
"Who are you?" he asked me with an attitude. I squint my eyes at him, and then run towards Sqaishey. When I get to her, I put my arm around her waist and hold her close to me. "Are you like, dating him?" Aiden asks Sqaishey. "Him?" He looks surprised, like someone like her shouldn't be dating someone like me. But she is.
"Yeah, I am," she says. Aiden's face turns into a twisted, horrible thing. He stares straight at me.
"You're the reason she won't date me?" he steps towards me. He points at me. "Watch your back." He shoots Sqaishey a glare, and then gets in his car and drives away.
"Come on, let's go," I said as I led Sqaishey into the house. She kept looking back, like someone was following us. And if it was that scum back, he was going to get a cap in his arse real soon. I shut the door when we stepped inside, and then I locked it. I followed Sqaishey into the living room, and she sat down on the couch.
"I'm sorry that I dragged you into this," she said. I shook my head.
"It's not your fault, Sqaishey," I said. She hung her head, and then I sat down next to her. She laid her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes. I held her and kissed her on the head, and she started to snore softly. I picked her up bridal-style and carried her into the spare bedroom. I laid her in the bed and pulled the covers over her. I walked back into the living room, and found Squid on the phone.
"Stamps, it's for you," he said as I walked in. I took the phone out of his hand.
"Well, hello Joseph," an all too familiar voice echoed from the phone. "Do you remember me?" I closed my eyes tightly, and then replied.
"Nope, think you have the wrong number, mate," I said said quickly. I then hung up, and handed the phone back to Squid. Aiden had figured out my phone number, my real name, and then he called me. He had actually called me. But I had made a promise to Sqaishey, and I was going to keep that promise.

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