Forgetting Everything

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Sqaishey's POV

"Beth!" my mom says as I drag myself inside. "It's wonderful to see you again." I sigh and hug her without saying anything.

"I'm going up to my room," I say. She nods and smiles. I walk up my stairs, not with the skip in my step I had the last time I walked up these old stairs.

"Mom, can I go to London to see Stampy?" I asked her. She stared at me with disbelief, and then finally replied.

"Sure, hon. Of course you can," she said in her sweet motherly voice. "When, exactly is this going to happen?" I smiled.

"Next week, probably on Tuesday," I said. It just seemed like Tuesday was a good day, and it gave me plenty of time to pack and stuff.

"Well, then," she said. "How much is it going to cost?" she asked as she pulled our her wallet. I smiled and giggled.

"I'll pay, mum," I said. She smiled and put her wallet back in her purse. She stood up and hugged me, and then she pulled away.

"Don't grow up to fast, hon," she said. "Please." I smiled and hugged her, and then I pulled away and skipped back upstairs to my room. I was going to meet Stampy. I started to plan the trip, getting a seat on a train, telling Stampy the details. It was going to be awesome!

I sigh at the memory. Everything back then was awesome.

Why couldn't things still be like that? Happy and cheerful? They always used to be like that..

"I love you, too," I whispered after I had pulled away from our kiss. I had just kissed Stampy, and it was amazing. Maybe he was the one, maybe Stampy was the guy I was destined to be with. I had a weird feeling in my stomach, like something was wrong, but I set it aside. I loved Stampy, and he loved me.

"Well, then," he said. "I guess that means we're dating, or...?" I laughed at his confusion, and then finalized it.

"Yes, me and you are now dating," I said. He smiled, and then led me back inside. "Where's your bathroom?" I asked him. He laughed, and then directed me. I shut the door, and I heard Squid and Stampy talking.

"So? What happened out there?" Squid asked Stampy. I heard Stampy sigh.

"Me and Sqaishey are officially boyfriend and girlfriend," Stampy said very matter-of-factly.

"They grow up so fast you don't even miss em'," Squid said. I heard them start to laugh, and then I flushed the toilet and washed my hands. I opened the door, and Stampy was standing there, waiting for me.

I sit on my bed and feel tears prick at my eyes. I had a weird feeling in my stomach so many days ago, and that was when he still loved me.

I missed him.

I missed him so much, memories of him were the only the I could think of.

My phone rings.

I pick it up and see the caller ID.

It's Stampy.

I slide the button to answer it, and I press the cold metal to my ear.

"Sqaishey?" Stampy says. "Sqaishey, please say something," he begs me. I feel a tear slide down my cheek.

"I'm.. Here," I say. I hear a silenced sob.

"Sqaishey, I'm coming to get you," he mumbles. I shake my head, even though he can't see me.

"No, no! You can't," I say. "My mum..." I fade off as I hear a knock at the door. My mum yells up to me.

"Beth, there's a man here for you!" she yells.

My eyes widen.

"Are you already here?" I ask him.

"No..." he says. I look over at my door again, and I see Aiden standing there.

"No!" I try to yell, but he's already got my mouth covered.

"No, no," he whispers. "I'm not going to hurt you." I yell and kick and scream, and then everything goes black.


"Sqaishey, please wake up," someone says. "Please." I feel someone holding my hand, to who I realize is this person. "Come on, you're the strongest ducky I know!" I try to squeeze this person's hand, but I can't move.

I'm in a coma.

And I can't remember anything.

I can't even remember my own name! This person was calling me "Sqaishey". What kind of name is that? Maybe it's a nickname..?

I do everything I can to open my eyes, but I still can't. I try so hard, and then a bright light floods my vision. When I finally realize that I've opened my eyes, they adjust and the person that was talking to me gasps. I see that he is a man, and he has curly hair and green eyes.

I look over at him, and he smiles.

"You finally woke up," he whispers. "You have no idea how much I've missed you." I stare at him with wide eyes, and gain the strength to sit up.

"Um, would it be weird for me to say that I don't know you?" I ask him. His smile fades and his eyes go wide.

"Sqaishey, you're joking, right?" he says. I shake my head slowly, and he stares at me. "You... You don't remember me.." He stands up and walks out of the room, and I'm left alone.

Stampy's POV

I run to the nearest doctor.

"She just woke up," I say. He nods and smiles. "But... She doesn't remember me." He looks up from whatever he was doing, and he stares at me.

"She has amnesia," he whispers. "She couldn't possibly of forgotten everything, though." I shake my head.

"She doesn't remember her own boyfriend," I say. He nods and walks back to her room. He opens the door and smiles at her.

"Bethany?" he says. She doesn't look at him. "Bethany," he says again. She looks up from her hands and points to herself.

"Are you talking to me?" she asks him. He gasps and I feel a tear slip from my cheek.

"Oh, god," he whispers. He grabs my shoulder and pulls me out of the room.

"Is she ever going to remember anything?" I ask him. He looks at his feet.

"Probably not," he whispers. I stare at him in shock.

Everything that we've been through is non-existent to her.

Sqaishey has forgotten everything.

She's forgotten me.

I kinda feel bad for writing this.
But whatever.
Next chapter coming out whenever I feel like posting it.
Bye bye!!

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