Fixing Mostly Everything

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Stampy's POV

"Stampy, please," Sqaishey says from outside my room, but I just ignore her. She chose him over me. I sit against my door, constantly wanting to go outside and hug her. But she doesn't love me anymore.

So what was the point of doing ANYTHING anymore?

I start to let the tears flow out, quiet sobs escaping every now and then. I didn't care though. Nobody cared about me, so I didn't care either. I felt a thump, as if somebody had just sat down on a couch right next to me. But it wasn't that. Sqaishey was trying to get in here.

"Stampy, please let me in!" she yelled. I continued to ignore her, even when I could hear that she was sobbing. I sighed an stood up from the door, turned around and unlocked it. I opened it for her, and when she realized it was open, she ran in and tried to hug me.

But I didn't let her.

I walked past her, to the balcony, and she followed behind me. I continued to block her out. I opened the door and stepped outside onto the wood decking, and then I leaned against the rail and looked down. It was a large drop, probably enough to snap somebody's neck..

A quick and painless death, because what was the point of living anymore?

I put one foot over the railing, and then when I start to put the other one, Sqaishey grabs ahold of me.

"Stampy, please stop! Just talk to me! Say anything!" she pleaded to me, and I stopped. I slung myself back over the other side, and stared down at Sqaishey.

"You chose," I said. She shook her head and moved closer to me.

"Yeah, Stampy. I did," she whispered. "I chose you." I moved my hand up and wiped the makeup that was currently running down her face. I put my hand on the back of her head and pulled her into my chest, and I held her. I played with her hair and I held her the tightest I've ever held anything, because I was afraid she was going to slip out of my fingers again. I couldn't lose her again. I loved her too much.

Sqaishey's POV

Stampy was holding me, and I could feel his fingers playing with my hair.

"Sqaishey," he whispered as he pulled away from the hug. "No, actually, Beth. We can't do this. This can't happen, and since it did happen.." he paused and took both of my hands. "I... I don't think there should be an 'us' anymore." I stared up at him. I had really messed everything up.

"Stampy," I said as he let go of my hands. "Please don't do this." He ignored me and tried to slide past me, but I wouldn't let him. "I know you love me, and I love you! Please, Stampy!" I started to yell, and he looked surprised. He looked down at me and sighed.

"No Sqaishey, you don't love me," he whispered. I could see tears forming in his eyes.

"Yes I do!" I screamed at him. "I love you more than I love myself! I love you more than anything or anybody would ever know!" He let a tear roll down his cheek.

And then he leaned down and kissed me.

He put his hands on my waist and pulled me close to him, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. I kissed him with all I had, and he kissed back. I was reminded then of how close we were bonded. He played with the tips of my hair, and then he pulled away. He wasn't smiling, nor was he frowning. He had a straight face, one that I've become a bit tired of lately.

"This is it. Just us. No more games," he said the most serious way I've ever heard him say anything. I nod, and then he shakes his head. "Promise me," he says.

"I promise," I whisper. His face turns into a smile, and he leans in for another kiss.

Squid's POV (wasn't expecting that!!)

I sit in my car with my head on the steering wheel. I had left my keys in the apartment. I sighed and opened the driver's door, and I stepped out of my car. I started to walk up the steps to the apartment, and when I reached the door, I decided to knock rather then just going in. I heard light footsteps, I could tell they were her's, and the door opened.

"Oh... Hey," she said a by awkwardly. "Uh... What do you need?" I sighed and looked at the floor.

"I left my keys in the apartment," I said as quietly as possible. "May I.. Come in?" She nodded quickly, and then I stepped in and grabbed my keys off if the kitchen table. I turn around to leave, but Sqaishey stops me.

"Meet me at that little park tomorrow at 7:00 pm," she whispered. I stared at her in disbelief, but I obliged and kept walking. I shut the door lightly behind me, and I leaned against it.

If only she could be mine.

Stampy's POV

I hear Sqaishey walk into the kitchen and start to make some tea. I close my bedroom door and start to clean up the shattered mess I had made earlier. I cleaned up the glass from the lamp, along with my phone that I had thrown against the wall. I needed a new one anyways. I threw it into my bin, and then stood up and walked out of the bedroom. I walked down the hall to see Sqaishey still making her tea.

"Hey, do I get some?" I ask her. She laughs and nods, before handing me a cup of tea. "I love you," I say with a smile. She smiles back.

"I love you, too."


Yay! Stampy and Sqaishey are happy again!!

But... What about Squid?!?

Duh duh duhhhhh

The next chapter will be longer.

Oh, and thank you for over 100 reads! I know I'm a little late,
but I just noticed 😂

Bye.. For now.

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