The Happy Days

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Stampy's POV

"I'm here to pick up Sqa- I mean, Bethany Bates," I say to the lady behind the desk at the front of the hospital. She checks her computer, and then nods.

"Uh, yes. Room A21," she says. I smile and nod, and then walk to Sqaishey's room. The hallways are so long, and it feels like forever before I finally reach her room. But when I do, I see her sitting on her hospital bed, on her phone. I knock on the already opened door, and she looks up from her phone and smiles. Her smile changes into a concerned look, and I wave for her to follow me.

"Is he... Really alive?" she asks me. I nod my head, and I quicken my pace. I was starting to feel cramped in the hospital hallways. Sqaishey keeps close on my tail as we walk out of the tall doors at the front of the hospital. She grabs my hand as we cross the street, and I start to jog to get back to my car. When I finally get back to it, I see Squid sitting in the passenger seat. When Sqaishey sees him, she gasps and puts her hands up to her mouth. Squid steps out of the car and Sqaishey runs up to him and hugs him.

"Well, hey there," he says as he hugs her back. He smiles and laughs a bit, and then Sqaishey pulls away from the hug.

"You saved my life," Sqaishey says. "You.. You died," she whispers. Squid smiles and shakes his head.

"Yeah, I guess I have a bit of explaining to do," he says with a smirk on his face. We all laugh, even though the moment is so tense.

"Tell us on the way to the house," I say as I open the drivers door. "I could use a warm mug if tea." They both nod, and Sqaishey climbs into the passenger seat while Squid gets in the back. I start the car up and drive out of the parking lot.

"So.. The story is: A cat and a squid went to find a duck who had been captured by her ex-boyfriend," he says. "And when they found the duck, the duck's ex-boyfriend pointed a gun at the squid, and the cops that came with the cat and the squid pointed their guns at him. He shot anyways, and when he shot the squid, he hit his stomach. The squid had to go to the hospital, where his heart stopped beating, but with CPR the wonderful doctors at the squid hospital were able to revive him. He was let out of the hospital the next day, where he took a bus to his apartment, but decided to get off at a restaurant near his apartment to grab a bite to eat. He decided to call the cat to come pick him up, but realized someone was following him. He then was almost strangled to death by this same mysterious person, and now the Squid is here." Sqaishey stares at Squid in disbelief, but then shakes her head.

"But you're alive now," she says. "That's all that matters." We continue to drive to the apartment in silence, but nobody in the car cared. We were all just happy everyone was OK. When we arrive at the apartment, I open the door and step inside, and everything is just how we had left it. I smile at the sight of my home, and Sqaishey and Squid follow behind me. We all step in, and I immediately start to make some tea. Squid laughs at me, but I just roll my eyes.

"What? I haven't had any tea in 3 days," I reply, but that just causes him to laugh more.

Sqaishey's POV

Everything was back how it was supposed to be. I hear Squid and Stampy laughing from the kitchen, and I smile to myself. I sit down on the couch and lean against the back of it. Everything was perfect. I close my eyes and think about all the things I had been through in the past 5 or 6 days. I thought one of my closest friends had been murdered, which in a way he had, but he was alive now. I feel someone sit down next to me, and they wrap there arm around my shoulders and kiss me on the cheek. I smile when I realize that it is Stampy, and I open eyes and cuddle close to him.

"Everything's back the way it's supposed to be," he whispers. I smile and look up at him. He's smiling for what seems like the first time in forever, but he's still smiling. I lean my head against his shoulder, and he plays with a loose strand of my hair. He kisses he top of my head and I smile even wider.

"I love you, Stampy," I whisper as I close my eyes.

"I love you, too," he replies. I feel myself start to get more and more tired, until eventually I fall asleep in Stampy's arms, the happiest I had been in a long time. We had been through so much in the past couple of days, but it was OK, just because we had been through it together. With each other, we are the strongest people we had ever been. Seperated, we are the weakest.


I hope you enjoyed the happy chapter.. Things will be going up hill from here.


Because you will have to wait until the next chapter to find out what awaits Stampy and Sqaishey next.


Oh.. Wait... I don't live in Vietnam.

Bravo to myself.. 👏👏👏


I don't.. I don't know anymore..



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