I'll Never Forget You

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AN: The only reason this is being written and posted now is because of Star_Fire15 . You can thank her for getting an update so soon.


Sqaishey's POV

The guy with curly hair walks in. He looks exausted, like he hadn't gotten any sleep for days.

"Oh, what's wrong?" I ask him. He sighs.

"Listen, Sqa- Beth," he says. "You were put into a coma 2 months ago by your ex-boyfriend. He hit you too hard, so here you are. But, you also have severe amnesia.." he fades off. A tear slips from his cheek. "And you can't remember anything, right?" he asks me. I look at him and try to think if something, but only one memory comes to mind.

"Uh, a guy with blonde hair and deep blue eyes," I say. He stares at me.

"Squid," he whispers under his breath. I stare at him in confusion. "I have to go, I'll be back later," he says as he runs out of the room. I'm left in silence.

Stampy's POV

"Squid?" I say as soon as he picks up.

"Yeah, mate?" he replies. I sigh.

"Come to the hospital, Sqaishey's here, she has amnesia and the only thing she can remember is you." I hear a gasp.

"I'll be right there," he says, and then he hangs up.

And then I come back to reality.

She couldn't even remember me. She didn't even remember her own mother! But she remembered Squid. I sit on the small benches out side of Sqaishey's room, waiting for Squid.


"Mate," Squid says as he steps inside. "Show me where she's at." He follows me to her room, and when she sees him, she gasps.

"That's him!" she says. "I remember you from somewhere.." She fades off, and Squid steps towards her and leans down, close to her face. He smiles at her, and she blushes.


"Okay!" I say as loudly as possible. Squid jumps, and Sqaishey sighs. "Come on, let's go get some tea!" I say, and Squid reluctantly follows me.

"Sorry," he mumbles as I lead him to a small tea maker. "I'm gonna go to the men's room real quick," he says as he speeds off. I sigh, and continue to pour myself some tea.

Squid's POV (why do I keep doing this?)

I didn't have to go to the bathroom.

I needed to see her.

I walk back to her room, and she smiles when I walk in.

"Hey," I say. She smiles. I walk to her bed and kneel next to it. I put my face close to hers and her smile turns into a smirk.

"Hi," she whispers as I move closer to her. Our noses touch.

"What memory do you have of me?" I whisper. "Because I think I know which one." She blushes.

"I remember something bad," she says. "It broke a bond that I had with someone, but at the same time, it was one of the best things that has ever happened to me." I listen to her words and realize what flirting with her has done to her relationship with Stampy. I feel a wave a guilt wash over me and I pull my face away from hers.

"Sorry," I mumble as I walk out of the room with my hands in my pockets.

Sqaishey's POV

As he walks out of the room, I sigh and lay back down in the bed. I don't think I've told anyone how badly I want to get out of it. I'm not sick or in any pain, so why should I have to stay here?

I close my eyes and try to remember something else.

I pull away from the man with blonde hair, and realize what I had just done.

And then I see the man with curly hair standing with a shocked expression in his face. It turns to sadness as he walks down to his room.

"Wait!" I yell as I run after him. "Wait, Stampy!"

I open my eyes and realize something.

The man with curly hair's name is Stampy.

Stampy is my boyfriend.

No, Stampy was my boyfriend before I kissed the guy with blonde hair.

I jump out of my bed and run out of my room. I run until I see Stampy talking with the man with blonde hair.

I run up to Stampy and press my lips to his, almost pushing him over in the process. He smiles as he kisses me back, and then he pulls away.

"What's this all about?" he asks me with a surprised smile on his face. I shake my head.

"I remember now," I simply say. "But you and him are the only two things I can remember." He smiles and leans down to kiss me again.

Our lips touch, and I feel happy. I don't feel lost or out of touch with everything. I don't feel forgotten.

"I'll never forget you," I whisper as we both pull away. He smiles and pulls me into his chest.

"Good," he whispers. "Let's keep it that way."

Short filler chapter.
I felt bad leaving ya'll at a cliffhanger.
But seriously, Star_Fire15 messaged me last night and was like WRITE ANOTHER CHAPTER!! And I was painting, so I couldn't. But when I finally got done painting, my dad comes in my room and tells me to be in bed by 10:30 because school starts on Thursday.

So I couldn't write another chapter.

Until now!!

Okie dokie.

Bai bai.

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