Secret Mistakes

180 7 6

Sqaishey's POV

"Stamps! I'm going out for a couple if hours! Call me if you need me!" I yell down the hall.

"OK! Love you!" he yells back. I smile.

"Love you, too!" I yell. I open the front door and walk outside, noticing how nice it is. I turn and walk down the road, headed towards the park.


"Squid?" I say as I approach a man with blonde hair. He turns around, and I see that it is Squid.

"Sqaishey," he says very quietly. He takes a step towards me. "Why... Why did you want to meet me here?" I sigh and look at my feet.

"I don't know... I just... Wanted to talk, I guess," I say as I shuffle my feet. He grabs my hand and leads me to the back of the park, where there is one bench and nobody in sight.

"Okay, then. We can talk," he says. I shake my head and look up at him. He looks down at me, and I am reminded of yesterday. His blue eyes tell me to get lost in them, and his blonde hair tells me to run my fingers through it.

But I can't.

I made a commitment to Stampy.

But I do it anyways.

He leans down and kisses me again, and I close my eyes and kiss him back. My arms wrap around his neck as his fingers wrap around my waist.

No one is here to stop us.

I'm an idiot.

I kiss him more, and he kisses me more. His fingers play with the hem of my shirt, and I pull away slightly as I feel his tongue rub against mine. He sighs.

And we pull away from each other, our noses still touching. I feel his breath against my cheeks, but then I shake my head.

"Sqaishey," he whispers as I pull completely away from him. "I... You... We..." He stops when the words won't come.

"I can't believe I just did that," I whisper. He looks over at me and nods, but I can tell he's smiling on the inside.

"So... What now?" he whispers. I sigh and look at him.

"I need to leave," I whisper as turn around. "I'm sorry." I grab my purse off of the small picnic table and start to walk away, but Squid puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Sqaishey, I love you," he whispers. I sigh and turn around. He looks so stressed, but so happy at the same time. 

"I wish I could say the same to you," I whisper as quietly as I can. He still hears me, but I just start to run the other direction, back to Stampy's apartment.


"Stampy! I'm hoooome!" I yell as I walk in the door. He runs to the kitchen to greet me, giving me a quick peck on the lips.

"How was your trip?" he asks me with a smile. I smile back and lay the bags on the table. After I left the park, I stopped at a couple of shops and picked up a couple of things. "Oh, cool!" he says. I smile wider, this time pulling out the jacket I got him. It was orange and had a white belly, along with ears on the hood and a tail. He gasps. "Awe, thanks Sqaishey!" he says. I lean up and kiss him, and he kisses me back. I pull away and drag the bags to my bedroom.

When I get to my bedroom, I shut the door and lock it. I sit on my bed and sigh.

I put my head in my hands and cry. I cry loud enough for Stampy to hear me.


"Sqaishey?" he says as he lightly knocks on the door. "Are you OK?" I don't respond, instead, I unlock the door and let him come in. He walks in, and sees me. "Sqaishey, please don't cry," he says as he sits down next to me. He wraps his arm around me and kisses me on the forehead. "Please, Sqaishey," he whispers. I lean against him, putting my head into his chest and crying more. He wraps both arms around me and rubs my back. "Tell me what's wrong," he says. I pull away from him and shake my head.

"You'll hate me forever," I say. He rolls his eyes and kisses me with a smile on his face. I kiss him back, but then quickly pull away.

"Sqaishey, as long as you didn't go and-" he stops when he realizes what I did. "No, you didn't," he whispers. "You couldn't of..." I stand up and run out of the room into the bathroom, where I shut and lock the door. I sit on the (closed) toilet, and I cry more. I had messed up again. I went and did it again... The same thing I promised I wouldn't do!

"Sqaishey! Open the door!" Stampy screams. I ignore him. "Sqaishey! I need to talk to you!" he yells, softer this time. I stand up and open the door, and I try to slip past Stampy. He grabs my shoulders and leads me into the living room. He lets go of me.

"Sqaishey... I can't do this," he says with tears welling up in his eyes. "I think it would be best if you left." I nod and turn around to go to my room. I had only been here for a week and I had messed everything up. I pack all of my clothes and my laptop, along with all of my chargers and microphone. I zip my suitcase closed and walk down the hall. I can't see Stampy anywhere, so I just open the front door and walk away.

I walk away from everything.


I think Stampy's a bit of an idiot to do that, but I also wrote the chapter so...

That's all I have to say.

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