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I always seem to start stories with info. Eh. Oh well:3



1. These chapters will be pretty short, I'm not good at writing so it might be horrible

2. There will be murder👍👍

3. About it: when someone finds the dead body, they have a meeting, ( Among us?!) and the remaining colours will decide who they think it is, whoever they choose will get shot,

4. I might write 2 or 3 endings,

5. You guys can interact with this if you want! You can say who dies next:) Idm, I will also hear your theories

6. There is 17 people

7. Every day a new murder happens,

&. 2 people die each day ( may be exceptions for certain deaths) the person who was murdered and the other who got shot at the end of the meeting

9. I will keep you updated at the end of each chapter who is in and who is out

11. Plz don't hate me for writing this-

12. Next chapter will be everyone in it + their names and a bit about them, then it will start

13. (Sos to make this so long)  they're locked in a big like.. theatre? They all work as acotors

14. There is a staff room- and every character has a dressing room where they can say their thoughts ( like an Interview!) ( kinda like total drama action-)

Ok that's all for now! Bye bye:3
(And yes if I forget to upload, you may spam my announcements telling me to upload, plz do. I NEED TO FINISH A BOOK-)

              -word count: 272-


Should've done this ages ago..

)Bkay179 )

For literally being the whole reason I made this book-

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