Day I.

81 3 15

It was a normal day, until it happened.

The lights flashed off, leaving the colours in complete darkness, you couldn't see a single thing, you could hear loud noises and doors locking, when the lights were back on, someone was missing?.... Violet , purple, yellow, pink & green ran to different doors, all locked. The others didn't know what to do.

"THE DOORS ARE LOCKED!" Purple screamed
"YOU MEAN WE'RE STUCK HERE?!" Orange shouted back, not caring about the ivolume of her voice
"No.. let's just- call for help!?.. yea call for help!" *red grabs her phone and goes to call someone* "no service.." *she mumbles.


Browns scream echo's through the building. Head were turned as brown was running with a box, filled with props and something else..

"Dear calm down. Why are you carrying a prop box?." Violet said in her sassy tone,  brown dropped the box and pointed at it

"I'm sure it's nothing ba- HOLY.." green covered her mouth in a gasp.

There it was.

Blues severed body. Chopped into pieces and stuffed inside a prop box..

First meeting...

(An: the things that they're saying is what happened before the lights turned off)

"I saw Violet and indigo with him in the staff room," brown stated, still sounding shaken

"Well. We wanted to get coffee, and we didn't want to be alone. Is that an issue with you?." Violet sighed while checking her nails

"Violet,  I saw you walk out later Alone, and you didn't have coffee in you," green mumbled while fiddling with her hands,

"I left it in the sink what do you think I did with it imbecile." Violet moaned, seeming annoyed,


"I went into the staff room a bit after you left and there was no coffee cup, and indigo was gone." Yellow said banging his fist on the table

"Then it might've been indigo, he was left alone with blue just long enough," Red whispered,

People nodded in agreement


Indigos body collapsed, a gunshot wound was shown on his head,

2 down. 15 to go:)

 15 to go:)

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