Facts about every character after death (not including the final 4)

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(An; I'm including Purple- bc purple did but didn't make the final 4- sue me over it /hj)


- Spent the whole time watching over green until she died, cried when she heard her final words
-when she talked it's muffled but formed a bond with indigo who got used to the muffled talking, he translates for her:)
-passes out occasionally around 3-5 times a day-


-hold a grudge against purple for killing her
but understands why they did it
-watches over yellow and hugs him whenever can, yellow feels colder when orange hugs him but dosent think much of it,
-constant neck-pain / headaches & dosent talk much, when does it's small sentences,


-cried when she died and got to see her family again
-heartbroken that purple lived being shot knowing that her friend was in pain
- still Carries on her love of gardening and often gives people flowers, cares the most about everyone and gives daily check-ups


-since he was cut up he has to be carried around in the prop box he was found in,
-dosent trust most people and prefers to stay with cyan
-orange gets mad at him for not brushing his hair, he has to remind her that he can't,

(Orange ends up doing it for him)


-can only eat human flesh now, but restrains from it
-when first died was really violent, was alone for days not wanting help, couldn't except the fact he died
-try's to get oranges forgiveness but fails every time, he stays alone a lot to not get tempted to try harm anyone, and cares a lot about the safety of everyone


-can't talk at all, her jaw is attacked barely but she tried to / sewn it the best she could back, it's really long / stretchy now
(Scp 096- like the jaw:3)

-she is really aggressive and stays alone, also dosent want to accept the fact she's dead👍-insecure and the only colour that can properly sew, reluctantly cleaned up the horrible job that the murder did of sewing black & white together

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-she is really aggressive and stays alone, also dosent want to accept the fact she's dead👍
-insecure and the only colour that can properly sew, reluctantly cleaned up the horrible job that the murder did of sewing black & white together


-he got trust issues and only trusts Violet, green, blue & red,
-trails off a lot during speech due to being shot in the brain
-dosent sleep because feels like someone might die / get hurt if he dosent make sure they're ok

Black & white

-they hate everyone except purple, brown, green & red,
-were actually still alive somehow during the fire, they were shouting for help during the fire but no-one could hear them
-can't move much and uses a wheelchair to get around


-she's really pale due to having her heart / lungs hit when she was impaled
-Violet can take the microphone out and in of the gap but prefers having It out in replace of something smaller
-she's kinda hollow near the chest and sometimes stores items in the gaps

Dark grey

-didn't want to accept they died due to knowing who the murder was and was about to say it before they died, and became hostile and aggressive, they still are but more civil now
-like when alive tried not to sleep but falls asleep anyways, normally falls asleep in strange places
-hates loud noises now and destroys anything that's been or is related to fire


-she has holes where her joints are and can put things through them, she dosent do it much tho due to the holes getting stretched
-she normally stays at her stage doing shows for those who wish to watch
-she has neck problems & is like a contortionist. With the added ability to remove arms / legs if wanted to, due to the holes at the arm / leg joints


-dosent really care that he is dead and keeps a calm vibe, a vault for others secrets due to that, also the only one that isn't in any pain
-he is mad pink didn't stand up for him and dosent bother to watch over him or anyone else. Although he wishes pink died instead of him
-he chats alot to cyan and watches all her showdown knowing it makes her happy, unlike cyan he dosent watch over yellow (as I said) he does secretly miss yellow and their trio (magenta, cyan & yellow)

Omg finally done:3 ( finished this at 2:40am)

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