Not so fun fatcs

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Spoilers for ending

White and black were alive when being sewn
together, not conscious tho,

Cyans last words were "I'm sorry for this."

Yellow/pink ( depends what ending) didn't kill orange or blue,

In the good ending ( yellow murder) when magenta died, pink used his cape ( he has one) to try stop the bleeding ( brothers)

Red died / got suffocated in her sleep, so people thought she was alseep until someone finally noticed that she wasn't breathing

Brown went out the night because she wanted revenge on who was killing everyone, (before she was shot) and saw yellow/pink kill violet, yellow/pink saw brown and tried to kill her, brown was the only one to fight back, she ended up running back to her room tho because yellow/pink tried to stab her in the leg, the reason brown didn't say what happened in the meeting was because yellow/pink threatened her

The day after purple died, purple spent learning how to improve their other senses,

In the bad ending pink is seen not facing the front, this is because the way that pink is facing is the way that he made all the dead bodies face,

I had actually planned another ending, ( might write it)

The ghosts of the dead bodies went to hell, the only exeption being blue, this is because they had chosen to shoot someone at the end of Every meeting, the reason blue goes to heaven is because he is the only one that Sandy present for a single meeting,

Light grey, dark grey & grey all said that they would make it out, but that clearly didn't work- LOL.

most of them died due to their greatest fears!
Blue: claustrophobia ( stuffed in prop box)
Violet: feared desth
Brown: choking/ not being able to breathe,
Red: dying alone-
Orange: being fed to something
Black: needles
White: blood- (damn..)

Critters feed on the dead bodies or what remains of them,

After Good ending grey blames themselves for dark grey dying, and had tried to ¢0mm!t, luckily got stopped by pink tho.

Purple and pink adopted grey & light grey, to make them feel safe and comforted after everything,

10 years later purple Gets therapy 2 times every other week,

Nobody knew about anything exept the therapists- & the colours who were involved

pink told the other colours parents about what happened,

( good ending) Yellow said to light grey that he was with black & grey teaching them how to draw hands, yellow wasnt wrong yea. Yellow was kinda using the other half of black that wasn't sewn to white as a reference for drawing,

Ok that's all:3

Idk why this is so long.

Bye bye now!

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