Day IV

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It was night. Late at night, the remaining colours just want some rest. A free day. A day where no-one  die, all they want, it's all they want. They want to be free, why can't they be free? The moon glistened over the out-of-place building, cotton-like clouds distinguished the sky, canopying the moon. Stars were dotted like sprinkles in the sky. In the massive building the lights were dimmed as it was late, around 10:45pm.

The atmosphere was dull, quiet, calming. Nobody wanted to leave their dressing-rooms in fear of the murder, everything was risky. Nothing you could do would be safe. the murder would always get you. You will never survive.

There was a loud bang. Followed by a scream

Green: m-my kids. They're gone.
Orange: what do you mea-
Cyan: GONE?!
Green: f-follow.

Greens voice sounds chocked, out of breath. Sad.


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Black. And white. Or.. what's left of them. They were sewn together. No-one knows where the rest of their bodies are.

Tear stains were on their cheeks. They seemed.. hurt. Upset. Their mouth was sewn. But not fully. They can't talk. But the seams of the stitch is tearing, it's horrifying. Blood soaked the once-clean floors.  Black and white always had been close... but.. never this close... they didn't deserve this. They were only 10. They shouldn't be involved with this! They shouldn't be here.. let alone stuck in this murder mystery.

Fourth meeting..

Green: t-they're gone.
Cyan: who was last seen.. with them?..
Orange: it was green..
Green: I left them alone to go get s-something!- when I came back they were dead!-
Light grey: I was with my siblings... I'm scared.
Pink: guys.. stay calm.. we don't need to fight.. we need to act like adults.
Purple: pinks right. We can't argue.
Grey: but I don't think green was the last one to be with them.
Purple: green told me she was going to go chill with black & white.
Pink: I was with purple. I can confirm.
Yellow: me and cyan were chilling for a bit.
Dark grey: ... I think it's green then..
Orange: I agree..


Green was shot. In the neck. She started to gasp for air as blood trickled onto her hands. She fell down on the floor. She mumbled and stuttered her final words. Her hand covering her throat. She wanted to die. blood covered her glasses.

"T-thank you. I can see my wife and kids now..."

That was her final words. At least she was at peace now. Good peace.

Everyone seemed shaken. Purple was close to tears. They just lost his best friend...

Purple: g-green..

purple stuttered.. yellow put xeir hand on her shoulder. Reassuring him about it,

Purple in dressing room:
People are dropping like flies. There's only 8 people left.. including the murder. Everyone better stay safe. I don't want anything bad to happen.

God help us..

Purple starts to laugh.

9 down. 8. To. Go. :)

Black & white

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Black & white.

Black & white

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