Day VI.

56 2 14

Dread. All the colours felt was dread. There was only 6 of them left now.. including the murder. Lights flickered. No service, food from the staff room was becoming scarce. Some people resorted to not sleeping, like cyan, yellow & dark grey. Cyan had gotten tired of cleaning the place, after black & white died. She just stopped.. the abandoned building smells of death. Metaphorically and not, yellow was with black and grey, he was teaching them how to draw hands, pink was sleeping and light grey & dark grey were at the stage,

Nothing to do. Just dull clock ticking,

Tick, Tok, tick, Tok, tick, toc."AGHHH!-", -oc tick t- hold on. A SCREAM?!

People rushed to see cyan. Her hands. Hooked as in a pose of dance. Stuck to that spot. She wanted out. But she was already a goner. Losing blood at a rapid rate she started screaming for the colours to help her.

Light grey and dark grey were backstage. They removed themselves from there and were mortified at the sight. You could see through and see how the hooks had pierced through the flesh and Through the joints. You could see the stretch marks from where cyan has struggled. Pity. Everyone wallowed in pity. She was a strong girl. She should've survived. Everyone should gotten out. Nobody should've had to deal with this.

Meeting 6..

Yellow: well... what do we do?..
Light grey: I'm not sure.. I'm scared.
Pink: Well we have to choose someone!! Ugh.
Grey: calm down, what do we know?
Yellow: light grey and dark grey were backstage. One of them?.
Pink; they could've went back there when we came in!
Light grey: ... we were back there before
Dark grey: I was doing a performance for light grey to take their mind off of.. everything and everyone..
Grey: . Using cyans body?.


.. a child. A freaking child.

Gone. Shot straight in the heart.

Everyone went quiet. Even if they were the murder.. they would've cried.. a poor child, couldn't live their full life.

2 down. 4. To. Go:)


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Dark grey

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Dark grey.


A hush voice mumbled. Who. Was it?..

( an: this chapter sucked ass. So sorry, it's 4:30am rn. So- ye. Bye!)

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