Day V

56 2 7

(An: this is a shorter chapter)

It was a 'normal day..' kids.. well.. the 3 that are left were playing uno, Purple was in their dressing room, yellow and pink were chatting.
Cyan was monitoring the kids. She took priority with them. She didn't want them to die.. they're just kids. They couldn't be here. It's not fair for them to watch people die.

Yellow in dressing room with pink: I'm scared. The murders are freaking me out. I don't do well under pressure.. i don't wanna die. Will I die?. Will I make it out?!. Im not sure. Pink has been reassuring me..
Pink in dressing room with yellow: I hope we'll be fine.. I car for yellow and I hope that we both survive! We got this.. right?..end

Cyan: hey.. have any of you 3 seen orange?..
Light grey: no..
dark grey:  from the morning no, I haven't seen her at all.
Grey: nope.

There's a loud sound.

It came from purples dressing room. Followed by insane laughter.

Heads were turned.. ears covered. Everyone ran. Ran to the dressing room. The door was locked tight.


Pinks voice boomed. He was trying to unlock the door. Fiddling with the knob. Cyan started to pound on the door. Which was breaking the doors crappy lock.


The door was smashed open.

One of the calm people. Driven to insanity. Purple was eating orange. Biting her straight in the neck. Purple wasn't the murder. Yet killed orange. They always had issues with eachother. But it never went this far. Never to eating someone..

5th meeting. Non-negotiable.

Pink: we know what we have to do right: ?...
Cyan: I don't wanna do this but.. we have to.
Light grey: I don't know what to say.. I'm scared.
Purple: no need to be scared!~~ it wasn't me!!~~

Purple was delusional.

2 bangs. Purple was shot in the eyes.. screaming in pain.. the other colours left them.

They died early the next morning due to blood loss.

Or did they?.

Cyan from dressing room: Maybe the extra shot was because it wasn't the murder who killed someone, maybe because it was someone who got so lost they became deranged and feral?.. I'm not sure..

11 down. 6 to go. :) including the murder.

 :) including the murder

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(An; I really Hate how I Edited purple ngl..)

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