Day II.

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Almost everyone has waken up.. the colours had to find places to sleep, most people slept in their dressing rooms, because it was a place where they could get privacy since the door could lock, most people were walking around, doing stuff normally, as if trying to ignore everything that had happened the day prior, the colours seemed to not go places alone, unless they were in their dressing rooms,

Even antisocial purple wasnt staying alone, yet one of the extroverts were.. yellow, violet, purple and pink were playing uno, white, light grey, grey, dark grey & black were running around playing tag as kids do, meanwhile cyan, magenta & green were chatting in the staff room, but something wasn't right. Someone was missing. Orange was alone playing basketball, but red. She normally woke up early, but she couldn't be found anywhere.

"AHHHH!" Oranges scream sounded like a siren as she was stood in the doorway of reds dressing room. There was red, slumped down and dead. She was suffocated in her sleep... the murder useda bit of cloth from a costume.

The second meeting.

Purple: i was playing uno with some others, I also wake up late, my door was locked the entire night until I woke up.
Green: I was gossiping in the staff room with cyan & magenta.
Cyan: yea, until magenta left,
Some eyes glare at magenta.
Magenta: I left something in my room, I wanted to go get it.
Yellow: alone?. That sounds suspicious
Light grey: I agree with yellow here..

(An: if it's in italic it means it's signed)

Pink: I was also playing uno....
Cyan: back, white, dark grey and grey, where were you guys?

Black: we were playing tag on the stage
White: me and light grey sat in the seats watching for a whole since we got tired
Dark grey: it was really fun actually!
Violet: but magenta sounds suspicious!
Magenta: after going back to my room I- I realised it was in the storage cupboard I needed something from!..


Orange: I never saw you enter the storage cupboard. Or leave,
Yellow: me neither, and me, Violet, purple and pink were playing uno near there so..


Magentas body went still.. it fell backwards into a sitting position against a wall..

4 down. 13 to go:)

 13 to go:)

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