Youre all losers. ( bad ending. Murder wins.)

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They stood still. Not knowing what to do anymore.. the colours stood silent and still, not going to leave to do anything else,they had to do it. The final meeting. Lights flickered, sometimes being in darkness. They had to figure it out today. Otherwise they'll die. No-one will make it out. Expect the murder. The murder. The murder. The murder. A phrase the colours couldn't stop hearing. Drving 'some' to the brink of insanity. The building reeked of blood and flesh.Anticipation grew and grew as nobody dares to speak. Until someone.. started the meeting.

Last. Meeting.

Pink:.. we need to figure it out.. now.
Grey: agreed.
Yellow: do we have any evidence of who the killer could be?!..
Pink: I'm not sure. Has anyone been keeping track of the previous meetings, and what was said?.
Light grey: I have. I've also been keeping track of where everyone was. During each murder.
Yellow: . Oh really?. Who was where yesterday?.
Light grey: teaching black and greyhow to draw hands:)
Pink: but black died.
Light grey: that's what he told me:);
Yellow: i uh-
Grey: ... I-
Pink: yellow.

The colours stand back from yellow


Yellow lunges at grey and starts to attack them


Purple lunges at yellow and pulls
Him back. Shouting:
Purple: RUN! RUN!

The remanning colours are shocked that purple didn't die... pink nodded and took grey and light grey and ran. To pinks dressing room. They locked the door.

Pink starts to laugh

Pink: you should not have followed me!

Pink grabs a knife.. and stabs light grey.. light grey scream gets cut off by then slumping down on the floor. Dead. Lifeless.

Pink proceeds to attack grey. Leaving them both to die. Getting away with everything,

Nobody suspected pink:)


Purple was shot again. Falling off of yellow and bleeding immensely. This was the point where they finally died. Yellow stood up thanking pink. Until pink smacked him in the back of the head with a baseball bat.

Then ran. He ran. Out of the building. Leaving it to burst into flames.

He laughed. No-one would know.

The fire glazed as he walked off into the setting sun of day 7. Knowing that he won. He had won the gamble of life. Not a single drop of remorse.

16 down. 0 to go.

He won.

The, end.

The, end

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