Chapter 10: The Inner Circle

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Imagine Kai's surprised when he learned that Lorna and Andy joined the inner circle. He has to admit, even he knew that Lorna was beginning to have doubts about The Mutant Underground's ways. Which means he must find a way to get them to rejoin sooner or later.

But given the fact that Lorna is due to give birth soon, it seems having the resources of The Inner Circle is a good idea.

When he returned, Reeva decided to interview him. Evaluate him.

Kai can already sense how powerful she is, but no where near his level. Although The Frost Sisters are here to read his mind, instead of shielding his mind, he'll distort his memories, and thanks to the special contact lenses, he won't get caught doing it.

Reeva looked over his file. "It says here you were special forces. The best they ever had. Impressive."

"I do alright." Kai replied, sitting across from Reeva, who's unaware that the man is making sure The Frost Sisters are only seeing what he allows them to see.

"And yet they kicked you out. All because you were a mutant. Though I do wonder this: how was it that they didn't know you were also a telepath?"

Kai sighs and replied. "Let's just say I go by the rules of being honest, but not telling people things that they don't need to know. All they needed to know at that time was that I'm telekinetic. They don't need to know that I'm a telepath." Reeva nods and looks at the Frost Sisters for confirmation and they nodded. "Look I'll save you the efforts here. I joined because I've seen first hand on what these Anti-Mutant laws do to our kind. Hell Trask's son wanted to make that Hound Program international, hunting every mutant down. And the government didn't know about it and even if they did, what's to stop them from bringing them back on again. Further more, I fought for this country. Went after some of the worst people on the planet. And what was my reward? Getting kicked off because I'm a mutant. I want to change things. For all mutants. And above all, I want the idiots who made the stupid laws possible to pay."

Reeva seems to admire that, but she needs a little bit more then that, so she pushes for more info. "I can tell this more to this then that. And you don't need to be a mind reader to know that."

'Very clever.' Kai thought as much. He looks back at Esme, who nods to tell her something, and then he turns back to Reeva. "Do you know about experimentation on mutants?"

"I have." Reeva replied.

"I met a mutant. Laura Kinney. She was artificially created by the Facility using Wolverine's DNA to serve as their private assassin. In the Facility, where she was known as X-23, was forged into a lethally efficient weapon, being constantly brutalized by her trainer. However, she met a glimpse of tenderness with Sarah Kinney, who at the cost of her own life helped X-23 escape the Facility, recognizing her as her daughter." Kai, who was looking down, looked up and Reeva. "What I saw in her memories was... damn right horrible. And she wasn't alone. There were other mutant clones... who have suffered as her." Kai neglected to mention himself as he's still letting the fact that he's a male clone of Psylocke. "I shuddered what could happen if humanity was able to catch us all and take away our freedom."

Reeva smiled, as it was all she needed to know. "Well then, with your help, they won't even get far." 'Having a mutant like him will go a long way.' "Very well, Kai Braddock. Welcome to The Inner Circle."



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