First day

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No one's POV:

When they arrived at the Maldives a hotel worker led them to one house out of many, who are all standing next to each other right in the ocean, which was really stunning. The three of them went inside and took a look. There are two doors which both led to a bedroom, one with a double bed and a big bathroom (which obviously would be Scarlett and Cobies room) and the other with a regular bed for one person but without a bathroom (which would be Yn's room). Both rooms have big windows with a beautiful view on the ocean. The house also has an open living room which is connected to the kitchen, a balcony with a pool on it and a ladder which is connected to the ocean.

Yn's POV:

Everything there is beautiful but what concerned me is that there is only one bathroom and that one is in Scarlett and Cobie's room, so what if I have to use the bathroom at night? I don't won't to wake them up just because I need to us the toilet. I was caught up in my thoughts but when the door closed I came back to reality and realized that the hotel worked just left. I don't know how but Scarlett seemed to know exactly what I was thinking about and told me to sit down on the couch with me in the middle of them."You are concerned about the toilet being in our room, aren't you?" she then asked."How do you know that?" I asked wanting to know if she could read minds or something like that."I've known you long enough to see when something's budging you and we're on the Maldives in a beautiful house where nothing could budge you except the bathroom conditions." she answered."Fine, you're right I am concerned about that but what if I need the toilet at night and you're sleeping? I don't want to wake you."
I said but Cobie directly answered."Honey there is no need to be concerned about this. If you have to use the bathroom for whatever reason then you can all the time, even at night. And if you wake one of us then we're just going back to sleep so don't yourself about that.""Okay, thank you." I gratefully replied.
"No worries honey!" They both said happily.
It was already afternoon and we didn't had any plans for the rest of the day so we just unpacked and chilled on the couch together. We told each other what we needed to do in the next two weeks we were staying and my top priority was to go to the beach and go swimming in the pool or the ocean at least once a day. Scarlett also wants to explore the island which I am not to interested in but I'll do it anyways and Cobie said that she doesn't care what we do as long as we do it together and all have fun, where Scarlett and I both agreed with her. After our talk we all got ready and went to bed, of course I also used the bathroom before going to sleep.


537 words

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