Second day (part 1)

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Yn's POV:

I woke up the next morning and the first thing I noticed was that my bladder is at its limit and that I for sure need to get to the bathroom real quick. So I made my way out of my room and to the next door, where I peeked inside to see if Scarlett and Cobie were already awake but of course they were still asleep. This meant that I have to go to the bathroom as quit as possible without waking them up, so I went inside on tiptoes but when I reached the door handle of the bathroom door I heard Cobie speaking.

Cobie's POV:

"Good morning Honey, did you sleep well?" I asked Yn when I woke up seeing her tiptoeing to our bathroom. She just answered with a quick "yes, sorry I woke you up" while going from one foot to the other obviously showing to me that she needs to use the toilet real quick or there would be an accident so I said "well seems like someone has to use the toilet urgently." where she just answered with a quick "yeah" but she didn't make a move to go, probably waiting for me to tell her she can go."Then you better get going before there is an accident." I told her. With me saying that she blushed a bit but flung around, pushed the door handle and run into the bathroom. Two minutes later she comes out with a relived face which I just laugh about but then I remember that I didn't heard the water going of so I asked her with a smirk on my face "Have you washed your hands after your wee wee because I didn't hear the water go of." She blushed really hard this time and looked ashamed to the ground while replying "No, I forgot.". Her actions made me laugh and when she looked up to me I just pointed to the bathroom to signal her that she should go wash her hands and that is what she did. While Yn washed her hands I felt Scarlett moving next to me and then she slowly opened her eyes, blinded by the bathroom lights.

Scarlett's POV:

I've woke up to a really weird feeling in my breasts and to be blinded by a light but after some seconds my eyes got used to it and I saw that the light comes from the bathroom, which door was wide open. Then I heard a "Good morning babe, slept well?" from my wife, who was sitting next to me on the bed. I looked at her and leaned in for a kiss. While kissing her I said "I slept really good babe but why is the bathroom light on?" and she answered "Yn is in there washing her hands.""Okay" I said and in that second Yn came out of the bathroom, still in her Pyjamas. "Hey" she said and I replied with a smile on my face "Hey honey, did you had a good slumber?". Yn knows that I and Cobie love to talk to her like she's a little child because she's a lot younger then us and basically still a child but she got used to it over the time. "Yeah it was okay" was all she answered but I let it slide. "I think it's the perfect weather to go to the beach today, don't you think?" Cobie then asked and Yn's  face immediately lit up and she started to jump up and down while she squealed   "OMG yes yes yes, please we have to go to the beach!" Me and Cobie both chuckled at her childish actions and I said "Yeah I think it is the best weather for the beach but first we need eat breakfast and get ready for the day." Yn just pouted at that which made Cobie say "The faster you stop pouting and get ready, the faster we are at the beach." With that Yn was out of our room and probably on her way to hers.
Cobie and I got out of bed but decided to stay in our Pyjamas for breakfast and change into our bikinis after that.

Cobie's POV:

I went into the kitchen, just remember that we haven't went to the only supermarket that exists on this island yet which means that we don't have any food in the house. So I decided to just order some sandwiches for the three of us by the room service.
The food soon arrived so Yn and Scarlett came in the living room too and Yn just had her bikini on so I said "I think someone can't wait to get to the beach" and ruffled her hair. She squealed and then we all sat down and ate at the table. When we were done Yn said "Come on guys, put on you're bikinis and let us go to the beach!" which made me and Scarlett laugh and Scarlett replied "Slowly honey, we have all day at the beach." This doesn't eased Yn in any way so me and Scarlett went back to our bedroom to get changed into our bikinis. I changed pretty fast and am already finished when I see Scar wincing while pulling of her Pyjama Top. "What's the matter babe?" I asked and she answered "I don't know but my breasts hurt really bad and they feel like they are swollen." This worried me a lot, I mean I don't won't her to get sick especially not here, where no doctor is around.

Scarlett's POV:

I wanted to change into my bikini but when I tried to pull my Pyjama Top above my breasts they started to hurt really bad and the pressure came back. With the help of my very worried wife I pulled my Pyjama Top and my bra of to take a look at my breast and they indeed are very swollen. Cobie gasped when she saw them and I was stunned too but also scared at the same time. After looking at them for some time I tried to touch them and when I did they felt like there is some kind of fluid inside of them and I told Cobie to feel too and she was also stunned but started rambling."Why do they feel like there's some sort of fluid inside? Do you think this is something serious? Maybe we should call a doctor.""I don't know what this is or why they feel like that but I don't think it's normal" is what I answered her. I then put a bit of pressure on my right breast and
out of my nipple came a white fluid. I put my finger under my nipple and pressed again but this time some more came out and it landed on my finger. I tasted it and to say I am surprised is an huge underestimate, because it was milk. Cobie saw the look on my face and tasted it only to have the same reaction as I did."Is this what I think it is?" is all she asked and I replied with "Yeah babe, this is milk, real breast milk." Both of us were really confused because I had a miscarriage and we thought that my body wouldn't produce any milk without a baby but it seemed like we were wrong."What are we going to do now?" was the next thing Cobie questioned me and to be honest I was happy that I could produce my own milk but it only makes me remember that I can't feed it to anybody and I had absolutely no idea what to do now."I have no idea because I can't wear anything thigh around my breasts and they are hurting me all the time without me pumping them or somebody latching on them but this island has just one store, like the hotel worker told us and he said that they just sell the most necessary things which wouldn't be a breast pump." I rambled while trying to stay calm.
In the next second the door swung open and Yn was standing in the doorway but when she realized that I was standing there half naked she quickly turned around and said "I am so sorry guys." and I replied "It's okay honey, you can turn back around I don't care about you seeing my breasts. I have nothing you don't have." Then she slowly turned back around with a shy smile on her face "Why don't you have you're bikini on already? You were in here for at least 15 minutes." she asked and Cobie told her "Sorry honey but we have a little unexpected problem here.""What problem?" Yn than asked with a worried face."You know normally when you give birth to a child you have to breastfeed it for a while and for that your body produces milk..." I started saying and Yn worried look turned into a confused one."Well I though I wouldn't produce this milk because of the miscarriage but it seems like my body had other plans and now my breasts are hurting and sore because they are filled with milk and I can't get my bikini top or anything else above them.""Don't you have a breast pump or something like that?" Yn questioned and Cobie answered "No we weren't prepared for that to happen and normally we would just go and buy one but they won't sell any on this island."

Yn's POV:

I was very confused at first but now i get it. I have no idea what we could do now to help Scarlett get the milk out of her breasts so they stop hurting and she can put on her bikini but there had to be other ways then just the breast pump, so I asked „Aren't there any other ways of getting the milk out than just the breast pump?" and Cobie answered "There are just two ways of getting the milk out of the breasts and that is either the breast pump or the baby who would normally latch on and drink the milk out of them but we don't have either of them." Then a thought rushed trough my mind "Why don't you just latch on and drink the milk out of Scarlett's breasts?" I asked Cobie. "Well I would do that but I am lactose intolerant so I can't drink milk" she then replied which makes me think and i know that I am not lactose intolerant and I love milk but I really don't won't to suck on my best friends breast. This would be the weirdest thing I've ever done but I also don't want to see Scarlett hurt and I really want to go to the beach and in the ocean with her and Cobie, so I decided that I would do it, for Scarlett and the Beach. Cobie and Scarlett where talking, probably about this problem when I interrupt them by saying "I will do it.".
Both of them immediately stopped talking and they looked to me with a shocked expression

To be continued...
1858 words

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