Second day (part 4)

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Yn's POV:

I hated the way Scarlett looked at me when she was mad at me and I hate to argue with her. But right now I am laying flat on her body, my head in the crook of her neck and I have this feeling of comfort, I haven't felt ever before I met them. My parents died some months ago and it was hard for me because I loved them, I mean they were my parents but they weren't home often because they both were business people and when they were, we never cuddled or went to special places, like the Maldives. Mostly i had a nanny, who was just doing her job to get money and didn't really cared either but I know that my parents loved me, they just showed it in another way than normal parents. When I was younger and my nanny took me to the park I always saw other kids with their parents and that made me feel jealous because I wanted that too but knew that I couldn't have it.
Whatever, now I am here with the two most important people on this planet to me, cuddled up to one of them, with the other one next to me and feeling the comfort I always wanted to feel and was jealous of.  Meeting this two is the best thing that ever happened to me and this holiday will probably be very important for our relationship and we'll hopefully make a lot of happy memories.

Just laying there on Scarlett, who was more comfortable than a pillow, made me drift of into my thoughts and I could swear, that we laid down for much more than just 5 minutes but I was more than okay with that and doesn't even thought about complaining. Sadly Cobie brought me out of my thoughts by asking "Well my sweet girl, 5 minutes were over fifteen ago. Do you want to go in the water now?". I just mumbled a "mmm" to show her my discomfort and heard her chuckle and Scarlett started chuckling too, which I felt by her stomach moving up and down. This made me groan and hide my face further into Scarletts neck. "Come on honey, lets get up and into the water", I heard Scarlett whisper in my ear and without waiting for a response she just moved back into a sitting position and I groaned again, this time louder. "Oh I know, we are so mean, aren't we honey?" Cobie stated more than asked but I still nodded. Scarlett pushed me away from her chest and I started rubbing my eyes, to adjust them to the bright light of the sun again. "Ah ah, we don't rub our eyes with our fists honey, that's not good for your eyes.", Scarlett told me while taking my fists away from my eyes.

After 5 more minutes I was finally ready to go in the water, so all three of us walked to the ocean and we had a lot of fun together. At first we swam a lot, then played with the water-ball Cobie got from our bag and then swam again and splashed each other. I started to get exhausted by all the swimming and playing and it seems like Scarlett and Codie catchend on to that because they wanted us to leave the water, but I didn't want to go now.

Cobie's POV:

We were in the water having a lot of fun, when I saw Yn wasn't as eager, as she was some minutes ago anymore. She looked exhausted, so I tapped Scarletts shoulder, to make her look at Yn and when she did she immediately knew that we needed to leave the water now. I then said "Come on guys, lets get out of the water now. We've been in it long enough for one day and my skin is already starting to shrink, so let's go back to our towels. "Noooo" Yn said with a really whiny voice, which just showed us, that she clearly was exhausted so I answered with a "Yessss" just as whiny as her. Scarlett then helped me, saying "Cobie's right little monkey, we've been in here long enough and you're clearly exhausted because of all the swimming.". We both made our way out of the water hoping Yn would just follow us but of course she didn't. I told Scarlett "I got it, you can go ahead and start packing our things" and she did so. "Yn come out of the water now please, we'll come back another day.", I tried to reason her but she just turned away from me and started swimming again. "Fine then", I mumbled to myself and went back into the water to get her. I grabbed her from behind, turned her around in my arms and sat her on my hip. Surprisingly she didn't try to resist against me and just let her body fall against my chest, with her legs swung either side of me. I carried her back to our place, where Scarlett had already packed everything together, so we started to walk back to our house.

Yn was in my arms, snuggled against me the whole way back to our house but she wasn't asleep yet, she had just closed her eyes, which I could tell by her breathing normal and not heavily, like she does when she's sleeping. "Honey why don't you try and get some sleep, hmm?", I asked her and she answered with "not sleepy", but she said it in the most tired voice. Scarlett looked at me with a raised eyebrow and an knowing look but we just went on walking. After a fifteen minute walk we finally made it back to our house and when we went inside I got an idea on how to get Yn to sleep, it was already late and almost her bedtime anyway, which Scarlett and I decided would be 11 p.m, while in holidays. We all sat on the couch together, Yn on my lap, still cuddled into me. I then got Scarletts attention and pointed at her boobs, then at Yn, then folded my hands together, put them next to my ear and made a sleeping position, so she knew what I was going on about. At first she looked confused at me but then she got her 'ohh' look and figured what my plan was.

Scarlett's POV:

Cobie made some weird moves with her hands and I didn't get what she wanted from me but after thinking some more about her actions I got what she wanted. She wants me to breastfeed Yn to sleep again, like I did in our bed before we went to the beach. Breastfeeding knocked Yn out in a matter of minutes and she wasn't even tired then but now she is and will most likely drift of faster. I gave Cobie a thumbs up and took Yn into my arms. She groaned at the lose of contact but settled back against my chest or more between both of my boobs, which made Cobie chuckle softly and me giving her a glare. Me still being in my bikini makes it a whole lot easier to breastfeed Yn because I don't have to remove any T-Shirt and can just open the loop at the backside of my bikini, like I did, which made me expose my boobs .

When I got Yn in a cradled position in my arms, like an actual baby, I led her head closer to my nipple and when her lips touched my nipple they immediately parted, like it was a normal thing for her. She started to latch on, still with closed eyes and suckled really hard. Her eager latch was a little uncomfortable for me so I whispered loud enough for her and Cobie to hear "Slow down your suckles honey, my boobs and the milk won't go anywhere.". With me saying that she slowed her suckles down and after 5 minutes she was out like a light, which made me look at Cobie and both of us had a big grin on our faces because we knew, that Yn is just perfect.


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