Third day (part 1)

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Short Chapter

Yn's POV:

I woke up to the sun shining right into my face. At first I was disoriented but I soon realized, that I am laying in my bed but something felt off. I am wearing my Pyjamas and I don't remember doing my night routine or going to bed yesterday. After thinking about how I got in here I remember last days events. OMG! I was acting like a stubborn child in front of my best friends. But well, it felt right. I loved the feeling of having no care in the world and I am sure they wont be mad at me for it. They love me and I love them so I shouldn't be embarrassed about being myself in front of them.  YES! But when I thought about how I got in bed I just remember that I was very tired yesterday, nothing else. Whatever, I probably just forgot how I did my night routine. With all this thinking I don't notice that I am wriggling around a little uncomfortable.

After five more minutes my door opens and Scarlett sticks her head through the slightly opened door. "Oh, somebody's up early today. Well good morning honey, how did you sleep?", she asked me with a bright grin on her face. "The sun woke me up and I slept great. Youuuu?", I told her but when I asked her how she slept a big yawn escaped me. Scarlett answered while chuckling "We slept well too but I can see you're still sleepy."  I just responded with a "Yeah" and then Scarlett furrowed her eyebrows. "Honey, do you need to use the potty?", she asked me, which confused me a lot. "Why should I?", is what I asked her after her weird question and she answered with a now raised eyebrow "You're wiggling around and you're always doing the same when we watch movies together but you don't want to pause it to go and use the toilet." When she said that I looked down and I was indeed wiggling around and I suddenly feel a lot of pressure on my bladder. If I don't get to the toilet in the next minute I am sure as hell going to have an accident.

"Come on honey, lets go to the bathroom quickly.", she tells me and holds out her hand for me to grab. I literally jump out of bed and sprint to Scarlett, taking her hand. She then leads me to their bedroom and when we enter I see Cobie still laying in bed, reading a book. Cobie sees us and puts her book down. "Hey little one, slept well?" While she was asking me that I let go of Scarletts hand and ran into the bathroom, not even closing the door behind me. I sat down on the toilet and relieved myself, happy that I made it in time. In the meantime Cobie asked Scarlett whats going on and she explained the situation to her. Hearing Cobie chuckle made me furrow my eyebrows and I went out of the bathroom again. Scarlett then asked me "Don't you forgot something?" and I thought about what she could mean and then I remember, that I forgot to wash my hands. "Oh" I say and she chuckles lightly stating "You need to remember doing that after going potty or you'll get sick one day." To that i nodded and went to wash my hands.


574 words

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