Third day (part 3)

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Cobie's POV:

I wake up to feel a weight on my body. When I open my eyes I have to stop myself from cooing at Yn, who somehow made her way from Scarlett to me and was now laying with her entire body on top of me. She's just the cutest! I looked to my right and saw Scarlett still asleep like Yn, who was snoring lightly, which I found absolutely adorable. Ten minutes of cuddling with my baby later, I tried to pull Yn off of me, without waking her up, to start my morning routine and then order breakfast for the three of us. I sneaked quietly in the bathroom, did my morning routine ( brushing teeth, going to the toilet, skincare, putting on clothes for the day with a bikini underneath ) and then sneaked out of our bedroom on my tiptoes, to the kitchen. Thinking about what to eat for breakfast I decided some pancakes with bacon would be the best choice, so I called room service and ordered it.

Fifteen minutes after I ordered our food Scarlett came out of our bedroom, with a smile on her face and a "Good morning!" ,with a kiss. I replied the same and the told her "Breakfast is already ordered and should be here in fifteen minutes."
"Great, what have you ordered?", she asked me and I answered "Pancakes and bacon for three." "That sound wonderful darling" Scarlett said and she gave me another really long kiss on the lips, which I happily accepted. The kiss turned out in a make out session and she wanted to pull my Shirt over my head but I prevented her from doing so, by saying "No babe, there's a child in our bed next door. Do you want her to hear us have sex?" To my statement she protested "Oh come on darling, she sleeps like a stone and probably wouldn't wake up without us waking her at all today.", with that she just went on making out and I couldn't resist it but still told her "Babe even when she doesn't wake up, the food arrives in fifteen minutes and I don't won't the delivery guy to see us either. "You worry too much darling, fifteen minutes is such a long time." and she went on, with pulling my pants down and before I could react we were laying naked on the couch.

Scarlett's POV:

It felt like barely one minute was over, when the doorbell rung and we both got up from the couch and I put my clothes back on really fast, to go and open the door. I went to open the door and the nice delivery gave me the food and made some small talk, even with his broken English, so I gave him a tip. In the meantime Cobie dressed herself and when I got back in the living room, I put down the food on the table.

"I guess it's time to wake up the sleeping milk monster", Cobie said whit a chuckle but before she could even stand up from the couch, our bedroom door opened and out came a sad looking Yn, who must have just woken up. I greeted her "Hey honey, what's with the sad look, hmm?", but instead of answering she just looked down and then I saw it too. There was a wet patch on her pyjama bottom, wich meant she had an accident while she was asleep. My expression changed from concerned to relieved but I also felt bad for her and then looked at Cobie, who had the same expression as I did and reassured Yn, who now had tears running down her face "Oh baby, it was just an accident, nothing to be embarrassed about." and I also wanted to make the situation easier for Yn by saying "Cobie's right, lets get you out of these wet pyjamas and then eat breakfast." To that she just nodded but I wanted to get her mood back up, so I told her "It's your favorite, pancakes and bacon.", that made her smile a little but the tears still didn't stop.


691 words

Marry Christmas everybody!
I hope you're having a great time with your family and get los of presents. 🫶🏻

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