Second day (Part 3)

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Cobie's POV:

It was one hour later by now, I finished packing the bag for the beach and made myself comfortable next to Scarlett, who still had a sleeping Yn with her boob in her mouth on her. I love the sight of the two of them and I've never seen something adorable like this before. I also still can't believe that Yn was willing to suck on Scarlett's breast to make them stop hurting. If you ask me I would say she mainly did it because she wanted to go to the beach and in the ocean. At the beginning she was really shy but once she latched on she was like a personal little pump, constantly sucking and not ever wanting to unlatch again. She even threw a little tantrum and got whiny when she didn't get what she wanted immediately, which just added on to her cuteness. But right now we are watching "Gilmore Girls" and OMG I love this show so much but then I hear stirring coming from Scarletts side of the bed, so I turn to her and see Yn trying to get comfortable on Scarlett again while whining because she can't find the right position to get back asleep on her again. All while having still Scarletts nipple in her mouth.
Scarlett then started rubbing Yn's back and bouncing her leg up and down, to help Yn wake up. After two minutes of doing so Yn finally stopped trying to get back to sleep, balled her hands into little fists and rubbed her eyes while yawning which made me and Scarlett "awww" because of her cuteness.

Yn then opened her eyes still looking really sleepy, so I greeted her "Hey sleepyhead, had a nice nap?"
She just looked at me and murmured a "mhm" again. This made me and Scarlett chuckle and Scarlett told me "Of course she had a good nap, how couldn't she with my boob as her pacifier." while chuckling again. When she said that Yn eyes widened, she looked to her mouth and realized that she indeed had still Scarlett's boob in her mouth. She blushed really hard and immediately unlatched from it while looking everywhere but at me and Scarlett. I then asked her "Sweetheart, what has Scarlett told you about being embarrassed, hmm?"
Yn shrugged her shoulders at my question without making any eye contact so I answered myself. "She told you that there is no reason to be embarrassed, didn't she honey?" This made her nod but I wanted to hear it from her so I said "Words sweety" She blushed even more after I said that but answered "Yes, she did" so I told her "Good and we won't you to know that we meant that, okay?" "Okay" she agreed and gave me a shy smile. "Then I think it's finally time for the beach." Scarlett announced and that made Yn squeal in excitement and us laugh. " Yes, I think so too and we can just go because we all already have our bikinis on and the bag is also packed." I agreed with Scarlett.

Scarletts POV:

Right after the talk we made our way to the beach, Cobie and me walking hand in hand and a really excited Yn jumping next to us all the way there and telling us all about what she wants to do at the beach. I couldn't stop smiling because of all that happened today and this is just our second day here, we still have more than a week to create many other memories. But right now I just want to concentrate on our hopefully wonderful time at the beach with my beautiful wife and best friend. We finally arrived at the beach and when Yn saw the ocean she ran straight towards it. Cobie and I looked at each other concerned and annoyed at the same time and then she said " I already packed the bag, now its your turn."I just groaned and started running after Yn, who already was almost in the water but because of my much taller statue and longer legs I got to her before her foot touched the water and immediately lifted her of the ground and into my arms. "Hey, let me down. I want to go in the water." is what she said with a whiny voice while squirming, trying to get out of my hold but I am much stronger than her so it didn't really bother me.

All I did was carrying her back to the beach without saying a word, where Cobie found a place for us to lay down and had already set up our beach tent. When we reached our tent, Cobie was just laying out our towels inside of it. Yn was still squirming in my hold so gave her a slap on her thigh "What do you think you were doing just running off like this, young lady?", I asked her with a stern tone, so she knows I a serious. She furrows her eyebrows and answers with an attitude  "I just wanted to go swimming. I mean we're at the ocean and the ocean has water and in water people can go swimming." "Stop being a smart ass and you sure as hell stop giving me attitude or we're going straight back to our house without you even setting a foot in the water" I stated, starting to get angry with her. After I scolded her like this she tried to turn away from me but without success because I still held her in my arms, so she just huffed and turned her pouting face away from me. Putting my index finger under her chin I turned her face to look at me and asked "What was that?" with a stern face and raised eyebrows, after hearing her huff at me. "I thought we're at the beach to swim and have fun and now you're mad at me for wanting to do that. I helped you with your pain and problem today and in return you ban me from having fun." she told me with a really sad face, looking down, the eagerness and attitude long gone. Seeing tears fall from her eyes made my face change from angry to guilty and I looked down at Cobie, who was sitting on her towel, looking at me with a sad smile and letting me handle the situation.

I sat us down on Yn's towel next to Cobie's, with Yn in my lap, facing me. Smiling I wiped her tears away with my thumb and explained "Look honey, I am not mad at you for wanting to go swimming. I was mad at you for running off without me or Cobie and then giving me attitude. I know you were really excited to go swimming the entire day and I love seeing you like this but the ocean is really dangerous. Especially here at the Maldives are a lot of dangerous animals and the water could push you down, so we just don't wont you to go swimming without one of us, that's why we didn't let you go swimming just yet. Cobie and me were just concerned, we would never forgive ourselves if something would happen to you, do you understand that?"
"Yes, I am sorry for running off and giving you attitude, I didn't knew the ocean is that dangerous. I don't want to lose you either.", Yn said sniffling occasionally, while snuggling into my chest. My heart warmed at last her words and given by Cobies look hers did too. "It's okay honey, all is forgiven now but promise us to never do that again." I made her promise us. "I promise" is all she mumbled into my chest, clutching the string of my bikini top. "Well then what do you two think about going swimming all together now?", asked Cobie after everything was solved. "I think that's a good idea babe.", I answered her and then asked Yn "What do you think honey?". Her eyes were closed, while she laid comfortable on my chest and she mumbled "Five more minutes.". Her reply made me and Cobie chuckle and lay bag down on our towels, me still laying on Yn's and Yn laying flat on top of me, taking in all the comfort she could get after our little argument.


1400 words

Hope you like it so far 😃

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