Third day (part 6)

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Scarlett's POV:

I left the living room and went to Yn's room, still with a smile on my face to find her standing in her closet. She was bend over so just her little butt stood out of the closet door and was on show for me. I then made my presents known by saying "Hey my little runner. You know that if you don't won't me to see you naked you shouldn't lean your butt that much out of the closet." She made a little jump out of surprise and turned around really fast with a red face, her hands being placed over her butt to protect it from my vision even though she was turned around now, which made a big grin spread across my face.

"You know that because of you turning around I can now see your front side instead of you back and you still protecting your back does not make a lot of sense.", is what I had to explain to her, holding my laugh. When she realized that she moved her hands from her back to her front side and looked down somehow ashamed, which confused me a little bit. After one minute of her just standing in her closet, looking at the ground and me watching her and trying to find out what's wrong I had enough of the silence and went over to her.

I took her hands in mine and led her over to her bed, for the both of us to sit down and have a chat. "I think we need to have a little chat about you being embarrassed in front of me. Can you please look at that for me?", I asked her. She then looked at me with what I would say was a kind of fear in her eyes so I bend my head to the side and went on talking. "Honey, Cobie just bathed you and you were okay with it, weren't you?", she just nodded at my question so I went on. "Good, then why are you so embarrassed to be naked in front of me, huh? Cobie and I both have the same body parts as you do and there is absolutely no reason for any of us to be embarrassed in front of each other."

Instead of just nodding she looked back down, I placed my hand under her chin to lift it back up and with that she looked back into my eyes and started expressing how she feels. "I know, it's just..., it's just all so new and somehow weird. The nicknames, the breastfeeding and now you seeing me naked. I don't know how to get used to all that, I mean you are my friends, no you are my family and you're the only people I have left. I don't want to lose you too, I don't think I could live without you anymore. You two mean the world to me and to be honest I am scared because my heart loves how you guys treat me but my head tells me it's wrong and that if things will go on like this I'll probably get on your nerves and you'll want to get rid of me."

With that Yn was in tears, so I took her immediately in my arms to comfort her. I turned around slightly and saw Cobie standing in the doorway, looking at me with sad eyes. That showed me that she already stood there for a while and heard everything. I gave her a reassuring look but motioned my hand for her to sit down on the other side of Yn. My hand went to rub gentle circles on Yn's back, which made her lean into me more, now crying into my chest. Cobie also took Yn's other hands to show her that we are both here and after ten minutes of us just sitting there and comforting Yn she started to calm down.

That's when Cobie asked her "Oh honey, why haven't you told us how you feel about this sooner, hmm?", and she answered during hiccups  "I don't know, I guess I was just scared of your reaction." "Well, you don't ever have to be afraid about talking to us, okay? I know the things that happened lately are new, but they are new to Cobie and I too. We have to get used to them too, so you're not alone with it and can always speak to us about those things, so we can find a solution together.", I explained to her with a serious voice, while looking into her forest green eyes.

"Exactly and you don't have to be afraid that you'll lose us because of that either. There is nothing in this hole wide world you could do, to lose us. Even if you would rob a bank we would still love you with all our heart but I dare you to ever do that. Of course you sometimes do thoughtlessly things but that's totally normal at your age and the only thing we'll do then is scold or punish you but never will our heart stop loving you, NEVER EVER my sweet baby.", is what Cobie said. Trough her little speech Yn had a big smile on her face and when Cobie gave her forehead a kiss at the end it expanded even more.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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