Third day (part 5)

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Cobie's POV:

To get Yn into the bath and calm down was a lot harder than I thought but after I stripped and joined her in the bath it was okay and she finally started to calm down, while laying naked on my chest. This morning just showed me how lucky I am to have an amazing wife and baby, even though it hurts me to see Yn in this miserable state. The fact that I can calm her down just shows me how much she trust me and this makes my heart flutter.

After 10 minutes of just sitting in the tub and cuddling, I decided it was time to wash Yn or the both of us were going to get shriveled skin. Yn wasn't as convinced of my decision as I was, which she let me know by whining but I told her "We need to get you cleaned up, we can cuddle afterwards." She stopped whining and didn't fought back when I started to shampoo her hair .

I then asked her "Are you okay with me washing your body and private parts or do you want to do it yourself?" and she just looked at me with her still slightly red and puffy eyes from all the crying and answered "You do it, please.". I just said sure baby and started lathering her with soap.

While doing so, she doesn't liked me washing her lower body because I quote "I don't won't to stand, can't you just do it while I am sitting ?" and I of course said "No, I can't.". This fell on deaf ears as she sat back down, while I was in the middle of cleaning her private parts. I sighed and tried to reason with her "Please stand back up, otherwise I can't wash you correctly and you'll maybe get a rash. You don't want that do you?". She just shrugged and went on playing with the water, like a little child and that led me to adopt other measures, by letting her choose. "Okay young lady, it's either you standing back up now until I am finished cleaning you or no more cuddles afterwards from both me and Scarlett."

That sentence made her head shot up and look at me with pleading eyes but I only raised my eyebrows at her, showing her that I am serious and when she realized that, she quickly stood back up. I praised her "Good girl." and she started to blush. After I finished cleaning Yn's private parts and moved to her legs Scarlett came in with a towel. She laid it down on the toilet, gave me a smirk and closed the door again. This woman will make me go insane one day, I swear!

When Yn was completely clean again I got the towel around her and lifted her out of the bathtub. She was still blushing when I dried her off and I decided to tease her a little more "See, wasn't that bad and now you're nice and clean again, without a rash. Maybe next time you nurse we need to put you in a diaper huh?". She blushed even more at that and I had a smirk on my face. "I am not a baby, I don't need diapers. It was just an accident.", is what she said next and I explained"I know, I was just teasing you. But you are still our baby.".

I kissed her forehead and continued to dry her off. "Okay, but I thought I was your honey already."she said, which made me chuckle slightly and reply "You are, you are both my honey and my baby. Get used to it.". At that she just huffed and let me finished drying her in silence. A minute later we were out of the bathroom and off to her bedroom but she was completely naked because we left the towel in the bathroom.

We passed Scarlett on our way to Yn's room and Yn literally run to her bedroom when she saw Scarlett sitting at the table with her phone in hand. I couldn't hold my laugh at that and when Scarlett heard Yn run she looked up from her phone and gave me a questioning look so I said while trying to catch my laugh "She's completely naked and I guess she didn't want you to see her so she run back to her room.". That made her laugh too and when we stopped laughing she stood up and went to Yn's room, after telling me "Well then I guess I have to show her that she doesn't need to be embarrassed in front of me and that we have the same body parts. You go sit down and relax a bit, while I'll be getting the little monster dressed."


808 words

PS: Here's the next chapter! I tried to make the story look more aesthetic by leaving more space between the lines. I also like this way more myself when I read other stories. Tell me if you want me to change it back.

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