Second day (Part 2)

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Cobie's POV:

Me and Scarlett where just talking about the fact that there has to be another way but the problem is that we are on an island, when Yn suddenly said "I'll do it". We immediately stopped talking and our heads wiped to Yn with probably the most shocked expression I've ever had. We knew exactly what she meant by that saying this 4 words and then Scarlett asked "Yn are you sure? You don't have to do this if you don't want to. We can find another way or just wait until we're back home." and Yn then replied " Well it'll probably be most awkward thing I've ever done but there is no other way and I sure as hell won't let you wait until we're back home when they hurt you so much. I won't let you suffer when there is a way for it to stop even if it is me sucking on you breasts. I also want to go in the Ocean with you so let's get it over with and then go to the beach." This are the sweetest things she could have said. That Yn will do something like that for Scarlett just shows how much she loves her and it makes my heart swell with love too. I look at Scarlett and see that she has tears in her eyes, this words mean a lot to her.

Scarlett's POV:

I can't believe it. Yn is willing to do the most awkward thing for her and suck on my boobs, just for them to stop hurting. The love I feel for her is something I can't explain in words. It's different than the love I feel for Cobie. Cobies my wife, my everything and I love her so much but it's like the love you feel for the one you're in a relationship with, have sex with and want to kiss all the time. With Yn it's a different love, I would never want to be in a relationship with her like I am with Cobie. It's more like the need to protect her from the world, the want to cuddle her, have her in my arms and give her forehead kisses all the time. I love to see her adorable face every morning and her childish actions. So yeah there's a huge different between the love I feel for both of them but I couldn't imagine my life without one of them and I wouldn't let anybody else drink my milk. After I am done thinking about how much I love both of them I wipe my tears and say "Thank you honey, that means a lot to me. We should lay down for this." Still without a shirt or bra on I get back in bed and lean with my back on the headboard and Cobies goes to lay next to me.

I open my arms and look at a really nervous Yn standing in front of our bed. "Come here honey. There's nothing to be nervous or embarrassed about. Nobody here will judge you and what happens on the Maldives stays on the Maldives, okay?" I asked her to make her feel more comfortable. "Yes, okay" is all she answered before walking to my bedside and asking me "How do we do this?" I chuckle lightly at her helplessly and lean over the bed. I put my hands under her armpits and just pick her up, which made her squeal but I could easily do it because of her small frame ( 5'0 ) and her light weight. I am 5'10 and Cobie's 6'0, which leads us to be a lot taller than Yn. Then I sit her down in my lap and she sits there frozen, not knowing how she should move. So I help her again and lay her in a cradle position, like you do to a baby. Her head is laying in my right elbow and her legs are spread over mine, so she is looking in Cobies direction. I then question her "Are you ready?" and she just nods her head unsure, which makes me say "You don't have to do this if you don't want to honey, I promise we won't be mad if you don't." "No, I want to do this, I really do." she answers suddenly really confident. After she said that I started to lead her head to my right breast and she took a long breath before she latched on. Her left hand held the boob she was sucking on and her right hand held my left boob. She started sucking and I sight in relief as feel the pressure starting to leave my breast. I look down at Yn and she looked me in the eyes knowing why I sighted, then Cobie asks Yn "And how is it honey, does it taste good? Do you like it?" Yn nods her heads and mumbles a "mhm" around my nipple, while smiling.

Half an hour later Yn still suckles in content on my right breast while me and Cobie talk but then we hear a whine coming from Yn. We both look down at her and see her displeased and pouting while sucking really hard on my boob. "I think you ran out of milk babe" Cobie tells me and we both start to laugh at her comment. This makes Yn whine even more and she slaps my stomach with her hand that laid on my left breast before. We stop laughing "Okay okay honey, no need to get fussy. Cobie was just joking, I still have another breast for you to latch on. But first I want you to apologize for slapping me. We don't slap or kick or hurt other people just because we don't get our will, do you understand?", I said in a comforting but still stern voice, so that she knows I am serious. "I'm sorry" Is all she said while looking down ashamed. "It's okay honey, just don't do it again" I told her and peaked her forehead. Then I turned her around, so her back was facing Cobie and cradled her just like I did on the other side. She immediately latched on and suckled eagerly which made us chuckle and Cobie comment " You're milk has to taste fabulous, by the way she suckles on your boob." "Yeah, the nervous and embarrassed Yn is definitely nowhere to be seen. This is the eager and never unlatching again if there would be enough milk Yn." I said while laughing with Cobie.

After that we went on talking, with us looking down lovingly at a happy suckling Yn ever 5 minutes. Cobie and I were just talking about what we need to pack for the beach when I heard little snores, so I looked down to confirm my theory and see Yn indeed sleeping in my arms, while still suckling on my boob. This was the most adorable sight I've ever seen, so I've nudged Cobie and when she saw the scene she immediately awwwed. We decided to let her sleep and don't wake her up and just go to the beach after her nap. In the meantime Cobie packed a bag for the beach, with towels, sunscreen and everything we need, while I layer down in bed completely with Yn laying flat on me not letting go of my precious boob.

Yn's POV:

At first I was really hesitant and just awkwardly stood at the end of their bed. Then Scarlett reminded me that I don't have to do this if I don't won't to but I really wanted to help her so I went to her bedside but I didn't know what to do next and asked her. Scarlett just chuckled and her next step really surprised me because she just put her hands under my armpits and lifted me up. I know I'm not the talkest one and also don't weight that much but I still haven't thought that she could pick me up this easy. She put me down on her lap but I didn't wanted to move and make her feel uncomfortable. One minute I was sitting in her lap and the other I was cradled and after asking me if I was ready she led my head to her right nipple. I gripped her both breasts with my hands to steady myself and then started to suckle. Milk flooded into my mouth and I've never ever in my entire life drank something this yummy. I heard Scarlett sight in relief and knew exactly that this helped her a lot. She looked down at me and Cobie asked me if I like it. I couldn't hide my smile because it was so good and I never want to drink anything else again but I didn't wanted to stop drinking to answer her so I just made a content noise , for her to know I like it.

After half an hour of drinking the best thing I've ever drank the milk just stopped. I really didn't liked that and wanted more so I whined and tried to suckle harder. Then I heard laughing and this upset me just more because I wanted their attention, so I slapped my left hand in Scarlett's stomach to get it. She wasn't really pleased by that and scolded me for doing so. After that she turned me around and let me latch onto her other breast. It was soooo good but after some time I felt my eyelets starting to drop. I tried to fight it but some minutes later sleep took over me.


1606 words
Hope you enjoy it!😀

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