Third day (part 2)

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Cobie's POV:

Scarlett went to check on Yn and I still laid in our bed reading. One minute after Scarlett left she came back with Yn holding her hand, so I put it down and asked Yn how she slept but she ran into the bathroom before I could even finish my question. I asked Scarlett "What's going on?" and she told me with a grin "Well someone's up early because the sun shined in her face and she did her little potty dance while still laying in bed, without noticing and when I told her she literally sprung out of her bed and now we're here." This made me chuckle and I exclaimed "Wow, I thought she would just do her little potty dance while watching movies.", "Yeah me too but she hadn't even noticed that she had to go.", was what Scarlett said next and I replied "Then we have to keep an eye on that." And she just nodded. Yn then came out of the bathroom but she forgot to wash her hands again and Scarlett had to remind her, that its important to wash her hands after using the bathroom, otherwise she'll get sick one day. She then went back into the bathroom to wash her hands.

When she came back out she still looked really sleepy and her eyes were just half open. "Little one, do you want to go back to bed?", is what i asked her but she just shook her head no and Scarlett exclaimed "But you're still very tired honey and you need some more sleep or you will be grumpy and tired all day." "Will not and the sun won't let me sleep." said Yn tiredly but Scarlett and I both knew that she'll definitely will be tired and grumpy if she won't sleep some more, so I offered "Why don't you lay down with us? Me and Scarlett need some more sleep too and here is no sun, so you can sleep in peace." She thought about my offer in a really adorable way, her bottom lip sticking out, like when she pouts and there were little wrinkles on her forehead. Ten seconds later she nods her head and climbs into the middle of our bed. Scarlett soon follows and she lays down on the left side of Yn, while I laid on the right.

Scarlett's POV:

With the sweet little child in the middle of my wife and I, it feels like I am complete. Yn cuddles up to Cobie and she looks at me with a big smile on her face, which I return. The sight in front of me is so adorable and there is nothing I want more right now.
Yn then asked with a really sleepy voice her head in Cobies chest "How did I got in bed last night?" Cobie and I looked at each other and she nodded at me, to tell Yn. "Well honey, I carried you to bed after you fell asleep on me.", was what I told her but then she asked "I fell asleep on you? Didn't Cobie carried me back to the house from the beach?" and I replied, like it's nothing "Yes she did but I nursed you to sleep." To that she lifts her head from Cobie's chest and lookes at me with a shocked expression. "Oh.", is the only thing she says before looking down, at our blanket but then Cobie speaks up "Hey, like we said before, there is no need to be embarrassed. It's just us and we won't judge you, ever. Do you understand?" "Yeah", she replies, looking more confident again but still tired.

She then looks at me a little scared and I know she wants to ask something but is scared of my answer. "What is it honey, you can ask me anything, I promise I won't be mad.",  I told her honestly and she then asked while slightly stuttering and almost in a whisper "C- Can I may-maybe nurse a- again? Just so I can go back to sl- sleep more easily. But if not, it- it's okay, I...", she went on rambling and looked back down at the blanket but I stopped her "Honey, hey hey, look at me. Look at me honey." She then looked at me with teary eyes and I went on "Of course you can nurse again honey. There's a lot of pressure in my breasts and I would love for it to leave. You don't need to get scared to asked me this. Like I just promised, I will never be mad about a question you want to ask me and I will always answer you questions truthfully. Honey, I love you so, so, so much. You and Cobie are the most important persons in my life and I would never intentionally hurt you with my answer or judge you for wanting to do something that comforts you. Okay honey?"

By now she had tears running down her eyes but then she jumped into my arms and I catchend her, almost falling over. "I love you too, both of you, more than anything in the world. I am so grateful that I met you two and I am so sorry you lost your child but I am also happy, which sounds so rude and selfish but with the child we wouldn't be here and I was so scared that you're going to forget about me with the child." Both Cobie and I had tears in our eyes now too and we were surprised that Yn thought we would forget about her with the child, so Cobie reasoned, while Yn sobbed into my chest "Oh little one, we would have never forgot about you. Even with a child we would still always be there for you and we're sorry you were so worried but you're right. Of course it was hard to loose the child but god always has his reasons and with the child we wouldn't be here right now. This may sounds weird but you're our child, maybe not by blood but sure as hell by heart and there's nothing and nobody, who could ever change that." By now Cobie has joined our hug and all of us had tears running down our faces but it were happy tears.

Yn's POV:

This was an emotional roller coaster but I've never been this happy in my life before. They told me they love me more than anything and that I am their child, OMG! After five minutes of just hugging Scarlett said "Now I think it's time that we sleep some more, we clearly all need it.". We let go of each other and wiped our tears away "Come on baby, lets get you fed and then sleep some more.", Scarlett reminded me but I wasn't okay with the term 'baby', it was comforting to hear it from her but still, I am not a baby, so I told her "Not a baby." It came out more whiny, than I wanted it to but whatever.  "Yes you are, you're our '
little baby.", and with that she covered my face in kisses. That tickled, so I started laughing and she soon stopped, to let  me catch my breath. She let go of me and pulled her pyjama top over her head. While she did that I turned around, just to find Cobie's side of the bed empty and I looked at Scarlett confused. She understood why I was confused and explained "Cobie is just in the bathroom", and I nodded.

The next thing she did was unfasten her bra and saying "Come into my arms baby." I did just that and she cradled me, like you would with an actual baby. Being cradled in Scarlett's arms was really cozy and the best thing would be to never leave her arms again but I knew that is impossible. The next step was for me to latch on but before I did so, I looked Scarlett in the eyes again, to ask for her permission and she gave a warm smile, which told me that it's alright. To this I immediately latched on and started to suckle eagerly on her right breast. "Slow down baby, we don't won't you to choke.", Scarlett reasoned and with that I slowed down my suckles. Cobie then came in and cooed at me, telling us, how adorable I am, I just "mhhh" at that because I doesn't wanted to unlatch for a respond, my milky was much too yummy. I felt the bed dip next to me and heard a kissing sound, before I felt a kiss on my cheek, with a "Sleep thigh baby" from Cobie. My eyes started to close but before I fell asleep there was also a long kiss being placed on the top of my head and someone unlatched me, making me whine loudly but I got shushed by Scarlett. She turned me around and helped me to latch on her left breast before kissing my head again and saying "I love you so much, my little baby. Get some more sleep now." After that I finally fell into the world of dreamland with the best taste ever in mouth.


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