Chapter 1, Meeting the Village.

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I dont own any of Naruto this is just my verison. Im not typing this on every chapter cause im lazy. I only own the characters i have made up. Yep so enjoy. Soul eater fans i have Loving a Reaper out and its complete. So take a look. And I am updating this now. The next update will be on tuesday. Then every Tuesday after that! A little confusing I know!

~~Chapter 1~~

My name is Nami. My family has died... I was living on the streets in the Sand Village when I heard that the Leaf villiage was in need of shinobie. So I traveled by myself to the Hidden Leaf Village. I had alot of problems along the way. You wonder how my famiy died? They were murdered by Sand Ninja. I shall never forgive them. I can use many types of jutsu. Sand is my best. And I can use the sharingon. My apperance? I wear blue high tops and white shorts that stop in the middle of my thigh. I wear an orange tank top with a jean vest over top. My short red hair was not styled in any way. My light baby blue eyes could make anyone faint. So I guess we will carry on with the story.

I walked up to the Hidden Leaf Village's enternce. Wow. I thought. I didnt think it was going to be this big.

"Who are you?" Some one said from my right.

"Im Nami. I want to talk to the Hokage." I said. "And who are you?" I shot back. He looked surprised by my words.

"I'm Hagne, of the Hidden Leaf Vilage. Shall I call someone to escort you to the Hokage?" He asked. He was kinda cute but to old.

"Please." I responded. He turned and opened a scroll. I really didnt care what he did I just wanted to speak to the 3rd Hokage. When he turned around he spoke up.

"You can enter the gates. There is a Jounin waiting for you on the other side." He said as the gates opened slowly. I looked at him and nodded. I walked into the gates. I turned to see a guy reading a book. He had a mask starting from the left side (from my veiw) of his face meeting up with his headband on the right. Hes kinda cute... but again to old. DAMN IT IS THERE ANY HOT GUYS IN THIS VILLAGE?!?! I screamed in my head.

"Whats your name?"He asked looking up from his book.

"Im Nami... And you?"

"I am Kakashi. this is Sakura Naruto and- okay where is Saskue?" He said looking around as the blond boy and pink hiared girl steped out befind him. I waved. The blond, Naruto, looked hyper and active, and maybe a nucklehead? Sakura ,the pink haired one, seemed more calm and down to earth. Though she seemed to be panicng when that Saskue kid wasn't around. I wonder if their dateing... I asked myself.

"I'm right here!" Saskue said from a tree above my head. He jumped down from the tree and landed beside me. Okay now thats a cute guy! I said to myself. A smirk crawled onto my face. He looked at me and retured the smirk. I could tell he was interseted in all this sexyness!

"OK! So you wanted to see that Hokage?" Kakashi asked.

"Ya, please." I answered. Oh I forgot to tell you. I was a did graduate at the Acadamy in the Sand Village. We walked in scilense untill Kakashi broke it.

"So what brings you to the Hidden Leaf Village?" He asked.

"My parents and family were killed by Sand ninjas. I was the only one that survived." Saskue looked like he wasn't alone. Same with Kakashi.

"Oh thats so sad!" Sakura said.

"Hmmn." I moaned. I need to get rid of her so that I can get closer to Saskue! I think he's interested in me... I have always been good at reading peoples faces. And I read that he was checking me out! After small talk, we finally reached the Hokage's building. Kakashi, Naruto, Sakura and Saskue waited outside while I went and talked to the Hokage. I knocked on the door twice.

"Come in." She called. I opened the door expecting the old man. Instead of seeing the 3rd Hokage a blond women with a little purple diamond on her forehead sat in the desk.

"M-mom?" I stuttered.


Oh hey a cliff hanger!!! You guys want to read more? WELL. YOU. HAVE. TO. WAIT. HAHA.


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