Chapter 9, Memeber Of Team 9.

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~~Chapter 9~~

*3 Years after the bombing.*

[This is the time that the rest of the story has been in.]

*Kimiko's P.O.V.*


How much longer? I thought to my self. I am walking in the direction of the Hidden Leaf.

I ran away after the bombing and my father slashed my a few more thousand times.

There it is, the entrance to the Hidden Leaf Village.

There were guards on either side of the gate.

"Hey what are you doing?" they asked.

I just looked striate and walk through the closed gate. Yes I walk THROUGH it. I'm pretty awesome.

"Okay gotta find the Hokage's place." I said to myself, running down the street to a big building.

"Hopefully thats it!" I said picking up my pace.


I ran up the stairs and into the door. There she is. The 5th Hokage. The first female Hokage.

"Who are you?" she asked, looking up from her desk. Her eys became wide.

"Child what has happened to you!?!" She said very loud. She jumped up from her desk to inspect my scars on my face. There was a fresh cut ith blood driping down my face and neck.

"Oh, you now its just marks from my fathers knife. No big deal." I said shrugging off her hands.

"Who is you father?" She asked takeing my face in her hands, yet agian I took them off.

"Oh,my father is Orochimaru." I said looking into her eyes.

Her expresstion was blank and distant.

"Is there a problem?"I asked tilting my head to the left.

"You're... Kimiko.... You the daughter of... of... Orochimaru..." She said blankly. She was scared. I could tell from the look in her eyes.

"Look! Can I stay here or not? I hate my father! I have never killed any one. Infact i have never commitied a crime.'' I said putting my hands on my hips. Bad idea. I crumbled to the ground. I had shattered my right hip bone in a fight with my father. It has never really healed. I had a hard time running fast. If i landed to hard on my right leg, it would send pain straite to my hip.

"Kimiko!" The Hokage said quickly nealing to my side.

"My hip bone.... I shattered it.... In a fight...." I said before everything went black.


*Nami's P.O.V.*

The Hokage had called me down to the hospital. It was the morning after Temari had found me.

"Hey Nami!" Temari called when I exited my apartment door. She jumped down from the tree beside the door.

"What's up?" I asked when she looked at me sternly.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"The Hokage told me to get my ass down to the hospital. I sounded imortant." I said putting my hand behind my head.

"Ill come with you." She said walking beside me.

"Okay." I answered walking towards the hospital.

"So when is the next time your training with you team?" she asked.

I froze.

"SHHHIIIIITT!!!!" I screamed, "I have training today! Temari, do a tranformation justu! Go to the hospital and do what ever the Hokage needs. Meet me back here when your done!" I said running off towards the training feilds.

I could hear Temari mudder 'bitch' under her breath.

"YOU OWN ME!" She shouted.

"Thanks!" I shouted back.


"Hey guys! Sorry am I late?" I asked scratching the back of my next.

"HEY! No don't worry, your early! Kakashi isn't here yet.... Like usual..." Naruto said waving. I waved back. I never really noticed it... But Naruto has amazing eyes... And smile.... And he was just.... So cute...

I shaped my self out of the thought.

"Wheres Sasuke and Sakura?"I asked,sitting beside him.

"There out doing something in the forest." He said.

"'Ohhh okay! So what's up?" I asked looking at him.

"Oh uhh... Just sitting." he said smiling. So many smiles from this guy....!

"Okay!" I said. What the he'll is wrong with me? I thought frowning.

Just then Kakashi came to the training grounds.

"Hey guys! Sorry im late  was on the path way of life!" He said walking."So lets get started!" He said smiling.


*Temari's P.O.V.*

"Okay so I need to go to the hospital and see what the Hokage need. Then Ill go see Shika....." I said out loud.

Walking to te hospital was ot somting I wanted to spend my first day doing, but i got there fairly guickly.

"Hmmm... Hello Temari...." Tsunadi said as I walked into the hospital. I froze.

"You need to work on your transformation justu." she said walking up to me. My justu wore off just tthen.

"Okay! Nami is at training and she told me to come." I said.

"Okay thats fine. Can you help me with something?"she asked walking past the front desk and down the hall.

"Sure." I said, catching up to her.

"Okay great! Ill explain," she said. "A girl from the Hidden Sound came wanting to live and trian here. Kinda like how Nami came. Anyways, she was covered in cuts and gashes. She told me they were from her fathers knife. I later noticed that her name and face looked furmilar. Her name is Kimiko, daughter of Orochimaru." she said, My eyes wided.

"I thought she was dead...."I siad. Her father had 'killed' her after he had experimented with her. She is suposably stoner than her ather. Well when is comes to justu.

''Thats at i thought too. Aparently I was told wrong. Anyways, I want you to escort her to team 9.She is thier new team memeber." She said opening a door to a hospital room.

"Shika's team, right?"

"Yes." She said closing the dorr afer i had walked in.

"Kimiko? This is Temari. She will take you to your new team."

Kimiko looked at me.

"Fine." she said getting off from the bed she was sitting on. "Lets go!" she said.

"Okay fine by me." I said walking out behind Kimiko.

We walked back the way I came with Tsunadi.

"So, when did you come to the leaf village? I asked trying to make small talk.

"Yesturday. Do you know that Shikamaru guy? I hear the is an Ino and Choji too." she said not moving her eyes from the spot infront of her.

"Ya I do. He is... Well were not dating....but..-"

"I get it." Kimiko said cuttin me off.

"Okay..... well ummm.... here we are..." I said stopping at the training grounds

"Umm this is Shikamaru, Ino, and Choji." i said. "She is part of your team now....'' I said walking away.

"Ino, Choji I'm going to go home with Temari now. See ya!"I heard Shika say running up behind me.

"Hey Temari, whats wrong?" Shika asked taking hold of my hand.

"I have a bad feeling about that girl...." I said.


So how is it? How is Kimiko?  Let me know!


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