chapter 3: Awakening

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From Ash's POV, what starts as blackness begins to give way to light pouring into his vision. Slowly, but surely, his eyes begin to widen by the minute, until finally, everything begins to focus. Ash quickly realizes he is in unfamiliar surroundings.

Ash (weakly): where... am I?

Ash turns over to see a young woman with blue hair sitting at his bedside.

Miranda: you're awake! Your name is Ash, right? That's what it said in your Pokedex.

Ash: I remember you... you're the lady from the docks.

Miranda: yes, my name is Miranda. After everyone left the docks, I went out in a boat to make sure everyone was all right. That was when I found you in the water unconscious. Do you remember what happened?

Ash: I remember...

Memories begin to flood Ash's mind. That horrible incident involving Mewtwo, and...

Ash: pikachu!

Ash Springs up from the bed. He begins to stand up out of the bed and walk towards the door.

The focus shifts from Ash's POV, over to Miranda's face.

Miranda: hold on! don't-

Ash turns toward a mirror and gasps at what he sees.

The image that the wide-eyed trainer sees before him is not that of a boy, but a young man.

Ash: I don't...

Miranda stands up from her chair and walks over to Ash, her face clearly showing sadness and concern.

Miranda: I was hoping to wait until later to tell you this...

She looks at him and answers with a calm voice.

Miranda: Ash... you've been in a coma for 7 years!

Ash's eyes go wide.

Ash: what?

Miranda: sit down! I'll tell you everything.

Ash goes back over to the bed, concern evident on his face.

Miranda walks over and sits on the bed beside him. Speaks to him again calmly.

Miranda: shortly after I found you, attacks from Rogue Pokemon began to crop up all over the region. It wasn't long until the one behind the attacks revealed itself. A creature called Mewtwo used its power to turn all Pokemon Against Humanity. It started with the Pokemon from the group of trainers that it had lured to New Island, and soon it began to spread its influence to all Pokemon.

Ash looks at miranda, taking all of this information in.

Flashbacks and images of Mewtwo accompany her story.

Miranda: without their Pokemon to defend themselves, the humans had no choice but to retreat, doing their best to survive. Mewtwo now resides within its Tower at the Heart of the City. It is currently Waging War against Team Rocket.

As Ash takes all of this in, his mind begins to become uneasy, thinking of his friends.

Ash: Brock... Misty...

Miranda looks over at Ash with concern on her face.

Ash: I've got to find my friends!

Miranda: I can't let you out of here just yet. It's too dangerous! Mewtwo is still out there, and rampaging Pokémon roam the streets at every turn! Right now, it's important for you to stay here and recover.

Ash: I need to know if they're safe!

Miranda: Ash, you're lucky to even be alive, I can't in all good conscience let you out there on your own, especially when you don't even know where to go.

Ash stops and thinks for a second.

Ash: how far is Cerulean City?

Miranda: not too far.

Ash: can you take me there?

Outside the house, off in the distance, a small Pokemon watches them from above. The Pokemon is light pink in color, with cat-like features and a playful demeanor. The Pokemon looks at the house and tilts its head inquisitively.



At the heart of the city, we're building once stood, there is now Rubble. Wild Pokémon wander aimlessly through the streets. The sky is gray and cloudy, reflecting the Grim circumstances under which this once thriving Metropolis fell.

In the middle of it all stands a horrible Tower, standing as a monument to this chaos. The building appears old and run down. Parts of the structure appear to be unfinished. This Twisted structure of jagged metal sits in the very center, jutting out like a dagger Through The Heart of this once beautiful city.

Inside, Pokemon Mewtwo stands at the highest floor in front of a group of Team Rocket grunts.

Team Rocket grunt 1: go, Machoke!

A large muscle bound Pokémon charges at Mewtwo with its fist cocked. Before it's fist can hit its mark, Mewtwo catches the Pokemon by its arm and hurls it back at the grunts, knocking them all out in the process.

Mewtwo: is that really the best that you could offer me? Weeks spent attacking your facilities and your boss continues to send his fodder toward me! Am I not worth the great Giovanni's time? Pathetic!

Back in Mewtwo's chamber, the Pokemon sits in its Throne like chair.

Mewtwo: Joy, has your Dragonite discovered anymore Team Rocket strongholds as of late?

Nurse joy: no, but there is a strong probability that more of Team Rocket will be on their way.

Mewtwo: let them come!

Nurse joy: as of yet, there is still no sign of Team Rocket's leader.

Mewtwo: Giovanni was the one who set me on this path. I only wish to meet him face to face, so that I may "thank" him personally!

Nurse joy: may I be a further assistance?

Mewtwo: no. You may leave.

Nurse Joy walks away from Mewtwo, leaving it alone with its thoughts.

The psychic type Pokemon stands up out of its chair and moves over window, looking down at the remnants of the city below.

Mewtwo: soon...


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