chapter 4: reunion

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Ash Ketchum, still weary from his coma, is Guided by Miranda into the city.

What was once a beautiful bustling town, filled with sparkling lakes and rivers, is now nothing more than a desolate Wasteland.

Rubble and debris line the streets of this once Fair City. Wild Pokemon roam the area restlessly.

Ash (shocked): is this really Cerulean City?

Miranda: unfortunately, yes. This was one of the first spots that Mewtwo attacked after the incident at New Island.

Ash (disheartened): I see...

Miranda notices the change in Ash's voice and turns to him.

Miranda: you think this is where one of your friends may be?

Ash: she used to live here, actually.

Miranda sees the pain in Ash's face. She can sense How Deeply he truly cares about his friends.

Miranda: we'll find her, Ash. Don't you worry.

Hearing these words, Ash is filled with a renewed sense of optimism as they continue on their way.

Soon, the two make it to Cerulean gym. The building is now run down and dilapidated. The giant sign that once adorned the front of the building has now fallen. What was once a welcoming sight to ash is now a broken and decayed husk of what it once was.


Ash and Miranda walk cautiously through the halls of this gym, not knowing who or what may be lurking about.

Ash: hello?

Miranda: is anyone there?

As they continue down the dark Halls of the gym, their calls are met only with silence.

Miranda: we should keep looking.

Ash: yeah.

They continue investigating the gym, walking through the abandoned Aquarium as the two continue their search. The focus shifts to within a dark crevice within the room making evident that someone or something is watching them.

Miranda: are you sure she's here?

Ash: I don't know, but what I do know is that if it were me, the first place I would think to go would be home.

The two walk through the narrow corridors of the aquarium. Standing water and broken glass is strewn about the area. The whole building doesn't look like it's been active in years.

The focus shifts to the point of view of something drawing closer. Stalking them, like a predator stalking its prey.

Suddenly, Ash stops and puts his arm out in front of Miranda.

Ash (whispering): shh... do you smell something?

Miranda begins to notice it too. A foul smell lingers in the air, I'm not a natural one either. A sickening stench that can only be described as toxic chemicals mixed with who knows what else.

Just behind them, a dark viscous form begins to rise from the floor, reeling back, ready to pounce.

Ash turns his head around just in time to see a large gooey appendage stretching out towards him.

Ash: look out!

Ash grabs Miranda and leaps out of the way as a stream of toxic sludge narrowly misses them, splattering against the wall behind them.

The attacker is revealed to be the Pokemon Muk, a creature made entirely of toxic sludge. Just breathing in its stench for too long is enough to incapacitate anyone near it.

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