chapter 7: storming the Fortress

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Everything is black, with only faint Echoes reverberating through the silent Darkness

Flashbacks of Ash's last moments with Pikachu cut in and out of the blackness.

A pair of eyes snap open, clearing away the darkness.

Ash: Pikachu!

Look around to realize that he is still in the guest bedroom at the shelter.
Memories come flooding back of the the night before. Of reuniting with Brock, of hearing his mother's voice again, of entering a new phase of his and Misty's relationship. And his heart becomes just a little bit lighter.

Light from the Rising Sun shines through the window, hitting his face. Ash sits up slowly, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and getting his bearings. Ash turns over to look out the window. It is a bright, sunny day. The wind blows lightly, causing the grass to gently sway. Somehow, the world seems a lot more peaceful from in here.

But, the memories of his friend still linger in ash's mind. He knows what he must do, and he is willing to do whatever it takes to do it.

He grabs his and Misty's bags from the nightstand and heads out.


Inside of a small room in the back of the shelter, brock, misty, miranda, and Nurse Joy look over maps and blueprints laid out on the table.

As they go over these plans, they hear a door opening. They turn around to see Ash standing in the doorway with a determined look on his face.

Brock and Missy smile, happy to see their friend.

Ash: so... when do we start?

Brock: you made it just in time! The solution that Professor Oak was working on just arrived! And... so did this!

Brock hands Ash a box, addressed directly to him. Ash carefully opens the Box to check the contents. When he looks inside, his eyes go wide.

Ash: no way...!

Ash reaches into the box, pulling out one of the items inside. It is an adult sized version of Ash's signature jacket. Ash holds it up and admires it. He looks back down to the Box, and inside, he sees brand new versions of his hat and gloves with it.

Brock and Misty stand, looking at Ash.

Ash: this... this must be from Mom... it's perfect!


Mewtwo sits quietly in its throne, reflecting upon the path that it has taken. Flashbacks of his first few moments alive enter his mind. Along with the horrible incident in Dr Fuji's lab that set all of these events in motion.

Mewtwo (internally): father... is this really my destiny? Is this the path that you had planned for me? There's still so much I don't understand. Without you, I feel lost, empty! Will destroying Giovanni fill that emptiness? And once I have rid the world of humanity, once I have fulfilled my purpose, what then?

Suddenly, the brainwashed Nurse Joy enters the throne room.

Nurse joy: Master Mewtwo, it appears Giovanni draws closer.

Mewtwo: yes... I sense him! And yet... I sense that this is far from over...



Ash, brock, misty, and Miranda stand at a table, littered with papers containing maps, blueprints, and diagrams.

Brock: alright, this is it! An All or Nothing attack against Mewtwo!

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