chapter 6: respite

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Ash, misty, and Miranda make their way to the ruins of a small town that has been ravaged by Mewtwo and its Pokemon.

Misty: I can't believe Mewtwo did all of this

Ash: we'll find a way to stop it...

The trio approaches the only standing building, a small shelter built from the ruins of what used to be a Pokemon Center.


The three enter the bustling shelter. The building is filled with humans and Pokemon alike, seeking Refuge from the chaos outside.

Miranda approaches one of the people working there.

Miranda: excuse me, we have a Pokemon that needs immediate Medical attention. Is there a doctor or a nurse that we can talk to?

Worker: right this way!

The worker guides them to a small corner of the building where a man in a lab coat is currently helping an injured Pokemon.

When he finishes up, he turns around to meet the group behind him. Both parties are shocked at what they find.

Misty: no way! Brock?

Brock: misty?

The two run excitedly towards each other. Brock reaches out and gives his friend a big hug.

Misty: I can't believe it! What are you doing here?

Brock: I've been volunteering here with Nurse Joy. What are you doing out here?

Misty: actually, it's Gyarados. It's been poisoned. It needs help.

Brock: I'll get Nurse Joy on it right away!

Brock takes the Pokeball from Misty's hand and walks it over to Nurse Joy, who takes the Pokeball into the back room with her. Brock turns over to Misty.

Brock: so, what are you doing all the way out here? You're a long way out from Cerulean.

Misty: well, it's funny you should ask. I've actually got a bit of a surprise.

Misty steps aside, revealing Ash standing behind her. Brock's face lights up with excitement.

Brock (excitedly): Ash!

Ash: brock!

The two friends Embrace each other tightly, happy to be reunited after so long.

Brock: I don't believe it! How are you? Where have you been? How is this possible?

Ash: I'm just as surprised as you are!

Brock: I bet! Look at you, all grown up and everything! I almost didn't recognize you!

Brock steps back to look at Ash.

Brock: I don't believe it! How are you here?

Ash: it's a long story, but I was rescued by this person here.

Ash points to the woman standing next to him.

Ash: this is Miranda. She's the lady at the docks who tried to warn us about New Island.

Brock looks over at miranda, visibly taken aback by her beauty. Brock looks at her and smiles

Brock (seductively): well, hello...

Suddenly, a hand grabs Brock from the back of his coat and pulls him aside.

Nurse joy: priorities, brock! We still have work to do.

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