chapter 5: obstacles

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Ash, Misty, and Miranda decide to rest for the night. They make do with the limited resources they have to set up a fire and create a space to sleep.

The three, fatigued, sit by the fire and discuss their next course of action.

Misty: so, what is our plan?

Miranda: there's a small settlement a few miles from here. Tomorrow, we'll go there and pick up some supplies. But, ash, neither of us are completely sure what exactly your plan is...

Ash: my friends and family are still out there. I need to know if there are any other survivors. Mom, brock, professor oak, from the sound of it, it doesn't sound like Misty has heard from them either. Need to know if they're alright. Then, I want to figure out a way to break the Pokemon of Mewtwo's control.

Misty: easier said than done. We still don't know how my Pokemon weren't affected by Mewtwo.

Miranda: we just need to find out why and how that's the case. If we do that, will be one step closer to finding a solution to all of this.

Ash looks into the flickering flames, his eyes filled with worry and determination.

Ash (softly): Pikachu... I hope you're okay. I can't imagine what Mewtwo is making you go through. But I won't let him win. I won't let him control you forever.

Misty places a comforting hand on Ash's shoulder, offering support and understanding.

Misty: We're with you, Ash. We'll face Mewtwo together and find a way to free Pikachu from his control. We're a team, and we'll get through this.

Ash's face lights up with a small glimmer of hope.

Ash: Thank you, guys. I don't know what I would do without you. Tomorrow, we'll come up with a plan, find a way to reach Mewtwo, and bring Pikachu back home.

Miranda smiles, her eyes reflecting determination.

Miranda: agreed. Let's get some rest. We'll meet all the energy we can get for tomorrow.

The three of them lay down, getting ready for the journey ahead of them. Meanwhile, off of the distance, the same mysterious Pokemon that appeared side of Miranda's house watches them once again. It hovers in the air for a moment before quickly disappearing into the night.



At the break of dawn, Mewtwo stands top floor of its Tower, peering down at the city below.

Mewtwo: where are you Giovanni...?

At that moment, Dragonite flies into the building to report to Mewtwo.

Mewtwo: what did you find?

Mewtwo reaches its hand out towards dragonite, it's eyes glowing as it reads Dragonite's mind.

Flashes of ash, misty, and Miranda appear in Mewtwo's vision.

Mewtwo: I see... gather a small team and prepare an ambush. My confrontation with Giovanni is near at hand, and I will not allow any diversions. Is that understood?

Dragonite nods. As Mewtwo turns away, the Dragon type Pokemon lifts off and takes to the air with a small group of Pokemon following behind it.



Ash, Misty, and Miranda walk through a small settlement, their eyes scanning the area for any signs of life. The once bustling town now appears deserted, with only a few shops remaining open. They approach one of the shops, a small general store.

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