Chapter 5: Looking For Him

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No One Pov:

Detective Tsukauchi: So your telling me that you thought Izuku Midoryia, the kid who would put his life in danger just to save someone else life was the traitor?

Nezu: Yes

Detective Tsukauchi: and you didn't think to call me to check if you were right?

Nezu: Well your a busy Detective so I thought to handle this on my own

Detective Tsukauchi: And you guys didn't stop him

All Might: We didn't have the power to stop him

Detective Tsukauchi: So you would let an possibly innocent life go behind bars because of you don't have the power to stand up to the rat in the room

Nezu: Hey that not really nice

Detective Tsukauchi: I don't care and now the kid is missing and villains are after him. Did any of you two believe he was the traitor?

Aizawa: I didn't but there wasn't much I could do ether. Now I wish I did do something because now Izuku midoriya is missing and who knows those villains could have him right now.

Nezu: Now now calm down Mr. Aizawa I'm sure we will be able to find him before spring break is over

Aizawa: You better or else your going to have to explain to everyone in the hero course on why Izuku midoriya is gone

Detective Tsukauchi: And when you do find him you call me. I don't want you to put a possible innocent child behind bars because of your mistake. Eraserhead, All Might you know my number, call me if you need anything

With that Detective Tsukauchi left. Both All Might and Aizawa look at Nezu before leaving most likely going to try to find the problem child themselves.

Nezu Mind: This is going to be alone spring break

*Hours Past*

While Heroes, Police Officers, and just everyone in general that were trying there best looking for young midoriya with no luck of course, Izuku was having the time of his life.

He was eating some airline snacks while looking threw the window.

Izuku Mind: Just 7 more hours before I get there. I should take a small nap before I get there.

He then lay his head on the seat as he look outside the window. He could see that the plane was flying threw clouds and he couldn't help but wonder what are the others are doing.

Izuku Mind: I hope the others are safe and sound.

He then slowly close his eyes before falling fast asleep.

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