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Hello everyone and thank you for reading this chapter even though it's not an update on the book!

I just wanted to say that I'm sorry I haven't posted in a bit, my phone died and hasn't turned on in 2-3 days and I don't know what happened. I feared the worst and got sad that maybe I could post anymore.

But luckily that hasn't happened, yet?
I'll be transferring phone in a few days but for now I'll keep posting. I'm still not home and away so yeah.

Just an update. I'll be uploading a new chapter tomorrow or Sunday though. So please don't leave yet.

And i hope you all enjoyed the book so far and i thank you all for all the reads and votes and everything, it really means a lot to me. <33

But yeah, that's all for now. I'll see you all in the next chapter.

Remember to eat, drink water and stay safe!

Bye my loves <33

*Miguel's POV*

"We'll be together again M/n, just wait a little longer."


I woke up with the feeling of my Spider senses going off, not how it normally would but more intense.

I'm assuming Peter felt it to since he woke up looking around then at me. We both stood up and

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