Chapter 25

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*Third Peron's POV*

It was currently Midnight and Peter was sleeping peacefully sleeping on the bottom bunk of his bed.

Nothing eventful has happened the whole day and patrol went smoothly.

Peter was a mixture of both heavy and light sleeper and sometimes he'd wake up randomly in the night but go back to sleep a few minutes later.

Nothing had gone wrong the times he woke up in the middle of the night and this night was no different from the rest.


You could hear the crickets creaking in the night, trees ruffling and the wind blowing in the cooling breeze. It was like any other night.

That night Peter had been a bit more tired than usual, which a bit unusual for him considering nothing had happened the whole day but he brushed it off as his body finally getting the chance to fully relax after doing hero work day after day after day.

He slept quietly in his bed, under his blanket but was suddenly pulled out of his slumber by his spider senses warning him of something.

He opened his eyes and closed them back while rubbing his eyes and opened them back up, letting them adjust to the night.

He sat up and looked around, but there was nothing. Did he just imagine it? Because there was nothing he could figure out on what to worry about. Maybe he was just tired and he just made it up.

Nonetheless Peter threw the covers off of him and walked towards his door and left while going to the bathroom. Not long after, he came back and felt a cold breeze hit him and he rubbed his hands together and looked at his window, which was open.

'Did i leave it open before i went to sleep?'

Peter thought but pushed it aside and closed his window and laid back in his bed, pulling the covers over his body and laid in a comfortable position.

After a bit he began to feel himself doze off again and took a deep breath in before exhaling and drifting off to sleep.

As Peter slept, he couldn't help as if he was still asleep but also awake. He couldn't move or open his eyes or even talk.

What was going on?

He was too tired to try and do anything but he felt a bit uneasy yet he chose to go to sleep and forget about it.

Eventually he had successfully slept the feeling away and the only noise that was able to be heard were, crickets, the trees, the wind and Peter's snores throughout the night.


And a strong However.

Peter managed to fail and see the people outside, looking in from his window, watching him sleep.

They smiled to themselves and stood up as they saw Peter drift off to sleep and looked down to one of the people's hand to see Peter's Spider-Man Mask.

They all grinned except two which had a poker face on and the other had a tired expression on their face. As they all stood up before leaving and discussing of something that may change a lot of things in the future.

But who are they?

𝑊𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑔 𝐷𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 // 𝑆𝑝𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑟-𝑀𝑎𝑛 𝑥 𝑀. 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟!Where stories live. Discover now