Chapter 20

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*Peter's POV*

"I'm not crazy, I really did see him!"

"Look, Peter. I know it's hard to except that someone is gone but, making yourself try and think that they're still here is bad. You said it yourself, that you saw her leave, right?" Ned said quietly while walking beside me in the halls trying to convince me that i didn't see M/n and he wasn't really there. Though he didn't really know who i was talking about since i didn't tell him about M/n. .and he also thinks M/n is a girl. .

"I. .i mean yeah. I did see her leave but Ned. . .You have to believe me. .! I. . .i really did see her. ." I said turning to him amd looking at him desperately. Ned looked at me and pierced his lips while thinking of what to say next.

He sighed and opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by Mj.

"Sup losers." She said and looked at me then Ned.
I looked at her and nodded and opened my locker. "Hey Mj, what's up?" Ned asked cheerfully.
"Nothing much, i got a new book though." She said calmly and Ned nodded his head and kept talking to Mj while i rummiged through my locker.

I stopped when i saw a brown-ish looking envelope and a red rose in my locker, nearly set on a stack of books with the rose ontop of the envelope.

'Who put this here?' Was my first thought that came to mind.

I shoved the books that were in my hands in my bag and set it down on the floor before slowly picking up the envelope. It has a faint smell of something but I can't point my finger on it. It has the texture of old paper and looks like those envelopes that you would find typically in books.

I look at Mj and Ned to see if they're looking but i feel a bit relieved when they're still talking.

I look back down at the envelope in my hands and slowly start opening it.

I pull out the letter that's in it and carefully open it.

I look at the letter and begin reading it.

My eyes carefully analyzed the words written on the paper as i try to think of who could have put this in my locker but nothing comes to mind

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My eyes carefully analyzed the words written on the paper as i try to think of who could have put this in my locker but nothing comes to mind.

'What does this mean? Is it trying to tell me something? Or hint towards a person?'

I couldn't focus on anything but the letter with the words on it. It made no sense. How did it even get in here? No one knows my combination lock of my locker except me.

Maybe this is all just a prank. Maybe just someone trying to get a good laugh out of this. . .

But something in the back of my head told me something different. Something just didn't feel right.

I lifted my head and looked at the rose in my locker before looking back down at the letter.

It didn't make any sense at all.

Why would someone break in my locker just to put a letter and a rose in it? Is this even a prank?

Why is this getting in my head?

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the bell. As it rang I quickly folded the letter back up and put it in the envelope before placing it back in my locker before catching a quick glance at the untouched rose and closing my locker. Looking over at Ned and Mj just in time to see Mj leaving.

Ned turned to me and raised his brow questioningly. "You ok Peter? You look a little. . .pale." He said hesitantly.
I just nodded and began walking to class. "We should get to class before we're late." I said and i heard his footsteps rushing towards me.

Out of the corner of my eye i saw he kept glancing at me with a worried but also questioning look on his face.

I could help but let my mind drift back to the letter and what was wrote in it. Even if it was a prank, it was odly specific about 'trust'.

But why would they put it in my locker? Why me?

I entered my class and sat at my usual table at the back with Ned behind me.

A few minutes later I couldn't focus on anything except that letter in my locker and that rose.

That rose.

Why would someone put a rose along with a note in my locker and not just a note? Why a rose? What does it mean? Is it supposed to symbolize something?

'I remember reading somewhere that a rose symbolizes a gift primarily given to a love interest, symbolizing a martial or romantic relationship but i don't know anyone who might be close enough to me to send me something like that. . .but what about the letter. .?'

". . .er"

'It was a completely different thing than the rose. I don't understand.

". .arker!"

'All of this is just confusing and every time i try to come up with something it leads to nowhere. . .' I stare at my table filled with books while deep in my own thoughts that I don't notice the teacher calling my name.

"Mr. Parker!" The teacher shouted while looking at me with an annoyed face. "Are you with us, Mr. Parker?" She asked crossing her arms and a raised brow. Now that I realize that everyone is looking at me, a few with smirks on their faces and some with bored ones. I sink in my seat and nod
"Y-yeah. . Sorry. . ." I say quietly and look down at my History book.

I hear the teacher sigh before going back to teaching.
I could feel Ned's eyes burning in the back of my head. I didn't turn around since i didn't want to explain to him what was on my mind since i knew it would only make him more worried.

I shook my head and tried to pay attention for the remainder of class but wasn't too successful. As soon as the bell rang i packed my things and sprinted my way out the room into the hall.

'I have to look at that note again. There's something i'm missing but i need to know for sure if i'm right or just going crazy.'

As i'm making my way to my locker someone bumps their shoulder against mine letting my books fall to the floor. I look up to see Flash.

"Watch it Penis Parker." He snarled and grinned before nudging his friends with a quick laugh before leaving. I sigh and crouch down and grab my books and get back up and keep walking towards my locker, determined to know what that letter meant and possibly who put it in my locker without me knowing.

"There's something familiar about that book I can't make out, but i will figure it out."

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