Chapter 2

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*Third Person POV*

(With the teens and Peter)

"THEY GOT SUCKED IN A HOLE AND NOW WE DON'T KNOW WHERE THEY ARE!" Pav yelled out and sighed in relief while the rest of the teens facepalmed "Whew! I just couldn't keep that in any longer, it felt like it was eating me up inside!"

Peter was quiet, a little too quiet for the teens liking.

"Um..Peter?..You okay?" Gwen asked slowly only to be replied with Peter's laughter. Miles and Gwen feeling scared was an understatement, they were terrified.

"Ahh, haha, y-you guys really got me good there!" Peter said wiping a tear away from his eye while laughing more, Gwen side eyed Miles a worried look to which he returned. Hobie kept working on his guitar and Pavitr was standing next to Hobie, confused written all over his face of why Peter was laughing.

Did he think this was a joke?

Would he be laughing if he knew it wasn't a joke?
Absolutely not.

Peter clapped his hands together and placed them on his hips. "Okay, seriously guys. Where's M/n and Mayday?" Peter asked looking around then back at the nervous looking teens.

"I'm not telling him if you guys were going to ask." Hobie suddenly spoke up looking at the others bordly "Yeahh, i think i agree with Hobie on this one.." Pav said slowly scooting towards Hobie to get ready for Peter's outburst.
"I choose life, sorry Gwen. You're gonna have to tell him." Miles said shrugging while pressing his lips on a thin line. Gwen looked around to the rest with a look of betrayal on her face and sighed heavily and nervously before looking up at Peter who was already looking up at him.

"Heyyy...Peter..Peter man...Pan man...Peter Pan.. my man..Burger was the mission? D-Did you guys can the uh..anomaly?.." Gwen asked trying to change the subject but Peter was not budging. He gave her a deadpanned expression.

"Gwen." Peter spoke sternly making a shiver go down her spine and she perked up "U-uh..yes Peter..?" She asked gulping. "I'll ask one, more time. Where, is, M/n and Mayday?" Peter asked narrowing his eyes suspiciously and furrowing his brows.

A cold sweat ran down Gwen's forehead before looking at the rest trying to get their help but they just pretended not to notice her gaze. Miles started whistling while Hobie was playing some notes on his guitar and Pav was fixing his already made and undisturbed hair. Gwen side glared at them and squeezed her eyes closed before balling her hands into fists and cracking on of her eyes open to see and unamused Peter standing there impatiently waiting for an awnser.

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