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Vincenzo POV:
"He's dead," my brother, well step-brother, said from the other side of the phone. "She needs to come to his funeral, he used to love and cherish both of you the most among all of us," Paolo darkly chuckled.

I sighed, knowing he already had a plan to get rid of me and Victoria.

"I'll be telling her, thank you Paolo." I still need to respect him, after all, the funeral hasn't even happened yet.

I smirked to myself, ending the call. I then went to get things settled before my plan starts.


Victoria's POV:
Unlocking the door of my apartment, I took off my shoes as I entered.

The sound of my tired and exhausted footsteps could be heard. It was 12 am.

"Another tiring day." I sighed, I took a breath before undressing and hopping into the shower.

After about an hour of taking a hot shower and doing all the cleaning, shaving, and whatever my body needed, I put on my pajamas and started my skincare routine.

I love taking care of my skin. It always lifts my spirits and helps me unwind when I'm tired or exhausted.

After finishing up my skincare routine, I realized it was already 2 in the morning. I was starving since I hadn't had a chance to eat anything except for breakfast earlier. So, I decided to make myself some noodles to satisfy my hunger.

It's become quite normal for me to be busy with work and have limited time for meals.

As I was munching on my noodles, my phone suddenly started ringing. To my surprise, it was my brother, Vincenzo.

I've missed him so much, but I couldn't help but wonder why he was calling at this hour.

"Hey," Vincenzo said in a quiet tone. I could sense that something was wrong. "Hey, Vin," I replied, trying to sound soft and comforting.

"Why are you still up so late?" he asked, concern evident in his voice. "I got home late from work today, so I freshened up and made some food. That's why the time flew by until now".

"Oh, then get some rest and I'll give you a call in the morning," he quickly replied.

"It's okay, I'm eating anyway. Besides, you don't call at this hour unless something's up. So, spill the beans, what's wrong?" I said, already sensing that something was amiss.

"Alright, just take a deep breath and try to relax, okay? I have some really disturbing news... Father passed away this morning," he said slowly.

It took me a few seconds to process what he had just said. We had been preparing ourselves for this since he had been sick for a while, but it still hurts.

"Are you alright?" I asked, concerned. "And how about you?" he responded. "I don't know," I hesitated. "Same," he calmly but painfully replied.

"What should we do? I know you have a plan already," I asked. "I do, but I'll tell you everything when we meet. Now, are you okay with coming back to Italy?" he asked, sounding worried.

"I'm more than okay. I've been preparing for this moment for ages," I confidently replied.

"Great, then get your stuff ready. I'll book you a ticket to come tomorrow," he quickly responded.

"Sure," I said. "Sleep well and take some rest." I could feel him smiling on the other side. "I will, and you too. Thanks," I smiled back.

After I ended the call, I just crashed and slept like a log. Gotta be ready for tomorrow, since I know it'll be a long day.


Still Victoria's POV
At 6 am, my alarm wouldn't stop blaring until I finally shut it off and got up. I hurriedly did my morning skincare routine and got everything ready.s

So, the last thing I had to do was open the drawer and check out all my meds. I stared at them, feeling so disappointed. With a heavy sigh, I finally put them in my bag.

Just as I placed my bags by the door, my brother gave me a ring.

"Hello?" I answered. "Hey, Victoria! How was your sleep?" my brother asked. "It was alright," I replied honestly.

"When should I go?" I asked. "Actually, now. The driver is waiting for you outside your apartment," he replied with excitement in his voice. I couldn't help but smile.

"Great, I'll head out now. Thank you, and see you soon," I said. "See you soon, Vic," he responded before ending the call.

And with that, I left my apartment and went straight to the Uber. The driver was already waiting for me, and he kindly helped me with my bags. We hopped in, and off we went.




First chapter ✔️✨

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