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Esti ran back through the corridors, back to where she had dropped her scuttle of coal. Less than twenty minutes had passed she noted as she ran past the first time teller on a wall. Impossible she had thought to herself. How could so much have happened in such a short span of time?

Due to the lingering warm weather, Esti was able to easily catch back up to her schedule. Running through the unseen halls of the castle. Completing her tasks. Meeting with Mr. Norman at the appointed time. Esti had worked so hard to stay on top of her work, that she had managed to push down all memories of this morning. She hadn't truly been hurt. Nothing had happened. 

Nearly able to lie to herself so completely. Until she looked up, expecting to see the normal, barely there smile on Mr. Norman's face. Instead, he looked angry. "What happened today Estella?" Mr. Norman used her full name. Not Esti. Esti took a step back. He could smell blood on her. More than one person's. Which mean goddess only fucking knew how many others had been able to smell it on her as she worked today.

Her voice trembling. "Nothing." Rushing her words. "I didn't do anything." Which was true, she herself had done nothing. "I went outside, and pulled the weeds from in front of my window so I could have sunshine." She admitted. She had done that.

"I can smell them on you again, and blood Estella." The bear shifter told her. Teeth grinding against each other in his mouth as he tried to keep himself in control.

Esti blanched. Face paling. "Not here." She whispered. Face going pale as she was made to face what she was running away from. Looking around a the busy corridor they were in. Just outside the main dining room for the castle staff, at peak meal time for the day shift. Norman nodded, ran to grab to go meals for each of them. Returning moments later and near running Esti back to their basement quarters.

Alone, safe in Mr. Norman's office, Esit cried, while her meal was put in front of her. She had tried to outrun this morning. But it was impossible. "Tell me what happened Esti." Mr. Norman doing everything he could to not shift. To be here, and listen to Esti.

Esti hiccuped. Swallowing down a bite of her meal. "I was stupid. I thought a maid needed my help. She led me into a trap. They were waiting." She started."They were all waiting." Words choked and gasping as she tried to hold back a river of emotions. Reliving her nightmare with every word.

"They were going to do it again. I knew it. I had been stupid, tried to help someone. They were going to hurt me when." Esti's eyes scrunched closed. Remembering the nightmare monster she had seen whens he turned around in the shed. The sounds she had heard. Esti tried to explain what she had seen. The monster who had killed the soldiers that were going to hurt her. Tearing their throats apart. "I almost ran right back here, but with them dead, I went to find my window to clear the weeds so I could have more sunshine in my room before returning." Esti paused. Taking a deep breath. "That is what happened today. Then I got back to work." Esti said. Every word the truth.

Mr. Norman looked at her like she was insane. Shock clear in his blank expression as he starred at Esti a little too long. "Five Soldiers dead? All trying to violate you?" Mr. Norman asked. Doing the math in his head. Wondering if any of those now dead had demonstrated any extra value skills. Today's events were going to prove to be a problem. It would have been easier if Esti had turned them in after the first time. Before any could have had a chance to stand out. Norman was certain there was going to be big fall out. Norman also wasn't sure what dragon was in residence that could be described as midnight blue and black. He had a good handle on the scant population of dragons.

The next morning, the castle was abuzz with scandalous gossip. A day maid had seen a scullery maid willingly enter a shed with five soldiers. The soldiers were all being found dead in the shed within the hour. More scandalous was the name and history of the coal maiden. One Estella Juno Field, previously known as Lady Estella Juno Mountblanc Ice Wind. Daughter of an executed traitor.

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