Esti had her head resting against Atticus. His shoulder, his scent in her nose and not just a memory. Next to him, felt like home. Taking for themselves the little amount of time alone Esti had bought for them by sending Theo and Joe away on a quest.
Esti was enjoying the moment. Then the next moment. Every single minute. Atticus had only ever left her, in an effort to speed them away from court. Misfortune had kept them apart, and a little bit of better luck had brought them back together. Except now they were both away from court as fugitives. So much had happened, Esti needed a moment to breathe.
Atticus was committed to being whatever Esti needed. Even when all he wanted to do was rip the clothes from Esti's body and finally feel all of her again. Between Atticus, his dragon Esti and her dragon, only one vote was for sex. Atticus had managed to learn some patience during his captivity at least. Atticus wasn't the center of his own existance any longer.
He still had so much he needed to tell her, that he himself needed to speak with Joe and Theo more. Fuck Atticus didn't even know who or what power had attacked Esti. The dragon grumbled something about the world being unsettled. Which meant it wasn't a feeling that was isolated to just Atticus.
Atticus looked down at Esti. Her long, shining black hair shifting with the ocean breezes. His eyes took in all of her. Trying to hardwire the memory into his essence. The shape of her nose, beautifully tanned healthy looking skin. Esti was full of thoughts and feelings. Atticus could feel how much she had missed him, and how much she had hurt each time she considered the possibility that Atticus had willingly left her alone.
Esti turned her face, eyes meeting Atticus. Her amber eyes full of so much hurt that Atticus vowed he would make it right. Esti moved closer, closing her eyes, leaning in for a kiss. A kiss Atticus felt like he needed more than his next breath at this point, when they were interrupted.
A voice on the wind. "Oiiiiiiiiiiiiiii girlie!" Esti's eyes opened, turning away from Atticus. They had been so close she had felt the warmth of his skin against her own. Turning her head, looking back in the direction Theo and Joe had gone. Joe and surprisingly, Terrance were coming towards her and Atticus on the remote beach.
An unexpected surprise that did not fill Esti with terror. A rare thing in her recent life. Esti stood up quickly. Atticus rushing to stay by her side. Terrance and Joe descended upon the beach. "I knew it!" Terrance declared loudly, sounding rather proud of himself. "Yous a witch ain't cha?" Terrance crowed loudly. Clearly proud of himself in a way that did not currently make sense to Esti.
Esti was quick of witt, and did not waste the moment. Still not correcting Terrance, his own assumptions making better cover than any lie. "Terrance!" Esti's surprise at seeing him, and him looking at her with anything but hate was unexpected. "I am so sorry about your building. Dark witches were after me, I never expected them to find me on your property or I never would have stayed." Esti told Terrance. More or less that was what had happened.
Glad to have a chance to apologize, weaving his own assumption with mostly the truth of what had occurred. Glad he had brought up witches first, giving her room to explain what couldn't be explained without magic of some kind. She truly, never, ever meant for anything bad to happen to him. She wanted him to know that. She had only sent Theo and Joe back to say she was a thief on the run because it would be easier than the truth.
Terrance made a dismissive sound in his throat. "Holly you are the first in years to recognize dear Dotty's pottery for the treasure it is. I knews you was special." Terrance pressed, forcefully, such that Esti could not bring herself to contradict him. "Dotty is gonna be right pleased to know you got away safely. She had me up before the fire alarm went off, certain there was dark magicks about." Terrance paused and looked at Atticus, standing-or rather looming behind Esti protectively.

خارق للطبيعةThe Dragon court under the now ancient King Magnus is a dangerous and ruthless place to grow up. A fact Estella has learned in painful detail. It's hard to recover from your father being labeled a traitor to the crown, and executed on the whim of yo...