Marisol had spoken true when she promised the Incubus owner could be trusted to have provided a safe environment for all to enjoy a night of revelry. Most of the crowd were humans. The few supernaturals in the room were blending in; wanted to blend in and not be noticed. Muse was for dancing and fun.
Atticus and Esti shared a drink, watching the dance floor, Esti's little foot tapping the beat under the table. Trying to speak over the loud music to each other. Laughing when they realized they could not hear each other. Esti's eyes were glued to the dance floor. There were so many people, so many different styles of hair, and dress, how everyone danced was different. It was mesmerizing.
Esti loved people, loved crowds. Loved that she was just stood here, no one paying them any mind. Esti didn't worry that her every move was being watched. That any slight or rude gesture, even if done accidentally could cause political fallout. Nothing she did here could be used against her. No one cared or knew who she was.
This crowd was only here to drink, dance, and have a good time. Esti decided then and there that she loved clubs. Wanted to learn to dance like the humans. Atticus was watching Esti, as she was transfixed the dance floor. This was a good club, the crowd was full of attractive people. Atticus only had eyes for Esti. She looked entranced. the smile on her lips brighter than any sunrise. She was so beautiful.
Atticus was ready to be what Esti wanted, and what she needed. His girl wanted to be on the dance floor. As she finished her first cocktail in their new location. Atticus offered her his hand. Inflecting his head towards the dance floor. Loving that he caught her by surprise, could read her lips as she said she didn't know how. He shook her head, and took her hand. Leading her towards the crowd.
A few curious eyes did look their way. They were an attractive couple, but there were many other couples who were just as attractive on the dance floor. There were endless beautiful bodies to entice anyone. Atticus and Esti were just like anyone else here. Atticus stopped on the edge of the crowd. Moving Esti into a loose dance position, her arms around his neck, her body pressed against his, his hands on her hips as he started to move to the rhythm and beat of the music. Esti immediately following his lead. Trying to mirror what other couple were already doing.
Marzipan and Mallow smiled at each other from the small round, standing room only table just next to the dance floor, where the awkward queen tried to dance with her lover. This was divine. Esti was just as unfamiliar with the human world as they were. While Atticus had been raised and thrived in these environments. They were in love, and awkward and the mimics were eating them up with even more vigour than they had enjoyed the food at dinner.
Esti leaned into Atticus, slowly starting to let the feeling that made her start tapping her toes spread through her. Her hips catching the beat, moving in time with the music. Atticus added a step, moving them back and forth just a step or two. Esti relaxed into dancing. Letting the music into her soul and moving her body however felt right.
Atticus released his hold on Esti as she let loose. She flowed on the dance floor, dancing like she had been born to dance free in a modern human city. It was magical to see the moment she gave in to the music, the smile on her face.
Atticus saw Mallow returning to his seat, though Atticus wasn't certain when the mimic had arisen from the chair. Watched Marzipan questioned her partner for the evening, though neither seemed worried or stressed so Atticus turned his attention back to Esti.
Marzipan asked Mallow "All is well?" Never once taking her eyes off Esti and Atticus.
Mallow nodded. "The house security had marked the vampire before I got to him. Did a quick run through the crowd instead of tailing him. Should be quiet the rest of the night I think." Marzipan smirked back towards her life long comrade.
Sparking him a look she knew was an excellent side eye flirt, Marzipan turned back towards Esti and Atticus, "It wont be an entirely quiet evening for them." Marzipan paused for a dramatic effect, "He's going to make her scream." The sexual tension between the two lovers was thick enough that any incubus lurking somewhere in this building must be close to overdosing.
Mallow laughed, a real one, truly finding the quip entertaining. City life among humans and shifters and all the wonderful parties was so much more exciting than the forest had ever been. Mallow gestured towards Atticus and Esti. Impressed at how her dancing had evolved over such a short time. "Think she really only tried to dance tonight?" Mallow questioned. The queen looked like a natural, every movement graceful and in balance with the music.
Marzipan nodded her head. "It has truly been a beautiful night." The song changed and the mimics watched as Esti ran back towards Atticus, dancing close to him again. "Will we stay?" Marzipan asked. Mallow nodded. It was time for a change. The Lost Woods were home, comfortable and familiar, humans were exciting.
Atticus and Esti danced until the last possible moment. Mallow needing to intervene and remind the two of them of the limited curfew. Sad that the night was over, but overflowing with happiness for how nice their date out on the town had been. Atticus and Esti let themselves be led back to The Council compound. Walking the whole way at Esti's insistence. Her feet nearly killing her. The shoes were strange to what she had worn while at court, and a far cry from any of the practical footwear she had been wearing since leaving court.
Esti had no regrets tonight. Everything from start to finish had been perfect, and really having Marzipan and Mallow watching out for them had been almost comforting to Esti. Letting her relax when she finally trusted that the mimics would be watching her back. Not that anything had happened. Atticus and Esti had been left alone, treated just like any of the other patrons at the restaurant and the club.
The mimics escorted Atticus and Esti directly to their apartments. Once the royals had locked themselves safely into their suites, the shadow guard let the mimics know that Marisol was waiting by the elevator for them. Assuring the mimics that the door would be safeguarded all night long.
Mallow and Marzipan relaxed back into their natural forms as they made their way to Marisol to report that all was well and the royal package was tucked in safe for the night. Shadow guard confirmed. All was well on their end.
Marisol let the mimics know the other, dragon based issue of the evening had also been resolved without much fuss. All parties nodded. "Now, there is the latest red alert we need to discuss." Marisol said. Hitting the elevator button, so the three of them could join the emergency meeting to discuss the latest news from The Sovran Court and how their plans needed to be adjusted. Queen Estella's reign was off to a rocky start even if she didn't know it yet.

ParanormalThe Dragon court under the now ancient King Magnus is a dangerous and ruthless place to grow up. A fact Estella has learned in painful detail. It's hard to recover from your father being labeled a traitor to the crown, and executed on the whim of yo...